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December 4, 1954

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'Report on the Situation of the Bogor Conference'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Vice Minister has read this


Forward to: Chen [Jiakang], Gong [Peng]

Priority level: Rush

From: Indonesia

Date: 1954, December 4

Already Forwarded to: Mao [Zedong], Liu [Shaoqi], Zhou [Enlai], Zhu [De], Chen [Yun], Peng [Dehuai], Deng [Xiaoping], Chen Yi, [Xi] Zhongxun, Yang, Foreign Ministry, [Wang] Jiaxiang, [Li] Kenong, Su [Yu], Military Intelligence, Military Unified [Command]


Report on the Situation of the Bogor Conference


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Unified Military Department:


(1) [We] received forward information from various sources that the issue of [conference] timing (Regarding this Ali [Sastroamidjojo] expressed eagerness in convoking the conference as soon as possible) and issues of the Afro-Asian Conference are included within the agenda of the Bogor Conference; the issue of agendas and the issue of member [countries].


(2) According to Madam La-su-na-sha-yi [sic]: The Bogor Conference will discuss how to strengthen economic cooperation between South East Asian countries; [in addition to] conducting discussion and arguments over the issue of membership for the Afro-Asian conference.


(3) According to A-du-shi [sic] [who is] the head of Antara: India proposed to have China participate in the Afro-Asian Conference; Indonesia concurs; Ceylon and Pakistan directly expressed their opposition (Ceylon has already provided a statement to the Indonesian government saying that China, Japan, Israel and Turkey do not belong within the list of countries invited to participate [in the Afro-Asian Conference].) Burma proposed a compromise solution which is to have China temporarily not participate in the first Afro-Asian Conference. It is said that the Bogor Conference can be delayed.


Zhong Qingfa

December 4


Discussion of plans for the Asian-African Conference, including whether or not China will be included.


Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00002-04, 84. Translated by Jeffrey Wang.


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MacArthur Foundation