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October 4, 1978

Telegram from the Czechoslovak Ambassador in Kabul, Karmelita, to Prague about his conversation with Taraki

Telegram from Kabul
Arrived: 4.10.78 at 10AM
4.10.78 at 12:15PM



To your 072 516

I was received today, 4 October, by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party, Nur Mohamad Taraki, whom I informed of the contents of the depeche mentioned above. He listened to the information attentively and calmly. He said that Karmal's illness was fictitious and that he should be returned as a warrant had been issued for his arrest.

Taraki said in a somewhat unpleasant tone that Czechoslovakia is an independent country, which can act on the basis of its own judgment. He added that he had expected a different reply. Finally, Taraki requested that we convey the information in writing to the prime minister and the foreign minister, Hafizullah Amin.

In case you concur that we should indeed make this confirmation, send the text in English.

In contrast to previous times, the parting of ways was rather terse. (Ka)

Karmelita 0354

This document is a telegram from the Czechoslovak Ambassador in Kabul, Karmelita, to Prague. Karmelita provides a breif overview of his conversation.


Document Information


Central State Archive, Archive of the CC CPCz, file Husak, unsorted materials, box Afghanistan. Provided by Oldrich Tuma.


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