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December 30, 1979

Ciphered Telegram from Bulgarian Embassy in Kabul, 30 December 1979

TO: Fifth Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia

We are sending you here bellow The Declaration of the Revolutionary Board of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan on the death of Amin

“To all comrades, friends, intelligentsia, and people of our country that have put their whole soul, common sense and conscience in thinking about their fatherland; they cannot put up with Amin's activity and that of his clique, that have killed thousands of people. We now appeal to all our countrymen with strong confidence in our future; we call for their determination in continuing their work at the various positions - party, state, government or administrative.

Taking into consideration the beastly violence and crime against the people of Afghanistan, Hafizula Amin has been sentenced to death by the National Court of the People of Afghanistan.

The sentence has been put into effect.

Dear countrymen,

The fierce hangman's death has put an end to all criminal and appalling action of insanity typical of Amin and his clique.

Babrak Karmal, who has assumed the grandiose historical and national responsibility and mission, the party leadership and the Revolutionary Board of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan would like to state their determination before the valiant, honest and tested in periods of trouble people of Afghanistan that crimes such as despotism, terror, torments, harassment and suppression, unmotivated arrests, life sentences, violent and beastly murders and forced labor will not be admitted. It will employ all methods and put all effort in preventing any anti-human, anti-national, anti-democratic action and relentlessly fight any such action on the part of these criminals. On behalf of the Party, State and Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, ignoring all forms of racial, language, national and religious discrimination, Babrak Karmal firmly states that the people of Afghanistan must continue working in an honest and peaceful manner, in an atmosphere of freedom and safety and security of their lives and property.

Babrak Karmal will fulfill his national mission with honour and will defend the objectives of the Great April Revolution, of the new state of Afganistan and the government of of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan; he is strongly determined to protect the territorial integrity and independence and the sovereignty of our great motherland.

Hafizulla Amin's fascist regime has been abolished, for he has betrayed both our country and our people.

Amin's criminal clique has been done away with.

No. 2769/ 30.12.1979

Charge D'Affair:

This document provides a statement Babrak Karmal's commitment to Afghan political party solidarity in the face of elements which attempted to de-stabilize his nation's democratic regime.


Document Information


Diplomatic Archive, Sofia, Opis 35, File 362. Obtained by the Bulgarian Cold War Research Group.


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