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April 18, 1980

CPSU CC Memo of 18 April 1980 and attached Protocol of 17 March 1980

[The following is a translation of only the first part of the document].


3rd sector

With this I send the original of the Plan of relations between CPSU and Sandinista National Liberation Front for 1980-1981, that was signed on 19 march this year in Moscow according to the resolution of CC (ST 202/53-gs from 17 march 1980 yr.)

For the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the plan was signed by candidate member of Politburo of CC CPSU, Secretary of CC CPSU
c.Ponomarev B.N. For the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua the plan was signed by a member of Enforcement committee of the National leadership of the Sandinista front of liberation, minister of planning of Nicaragua Henry Ruis.

Enclosure: The plan of relations between CPSU and Sandinista National Liberation Front for 1980-1981 in Russian and in Spanish languages.

Deputy of the secretariat of International Department of CC CPSU
"18" April 1980

k # 25-C-458

These documents deal with the planned relations between the USSR and the Sandinista National Liberation Front.


Document Information


RGANI (formerly TsKhSD), f. 89, op. 46, d. 50, ll. 1,3-8 (7 l).


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Memorandum Protocol


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