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March 31, 1955

Regarding the Composition of the Chinese Delegation to the Asian-African Conference

This morning’s working meeting of the Party Group put forward the proposal as follows:


1. The formation of the delegation for participating in the Asian-African Conference:



Premier Zhou [Enlai]

Qiao Guanhua

Ye Jizhuang

Huang Hua

Burhan Shahidi [Bao Erhan]

Wang Zhuoru

Liao Chengzhi



(1) The Premier is kindly requested to consider whether Ambassador Huang Zhen shall be included in the delegation.


(2) In view of the fact that the delegation should have a special person to be in charge of the press work and the journalists, the Premier is kindly requested to consider whether Comrade Gong Peng or Huang Hua to join the delegation. (Gong has agreed to go, instructed by Zhou Enlai)


2. Two plans on the representatives and consultants of the delegation:


(1) Three representatives: Premier Zhou (head of the delegation),Ye Jizhuang, and Zhang Hanfu, and others shall be consultants;


(2) Six representatives: Premier Zhou (head of the delegation), Ye Jizhuang, Zhang Hanfu, Burhan Shahidi, Liao Chengzhi and Huang Zhen, and others shall be consultants. (Agree to this plan instructed by Zhou Enlai)


3. Suggest that Comrade Wang Zhuoru shall be the Secretary-General of the delegation. (Agree, instructed by Zhou Enlai)



The draft list of the members of the delegation to the Asian-African Conference.


Subjects Discussed

Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00004-11, 77. Obtained by Amitav Acharya and translated by Yang Shanhou.


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