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April 5, 1955

Views and Suggestions of the Experts on the Asian-African Conference

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[Handwritten] Send to Vice Premier Chen to read after reading by Qiao, Chen and Huang

This document is compiled according to the discussion of the experts headed by Consultant Zhou Gensheng

Send it to Premier instructed by [Zhang] Wentian Apr. 5


Views and Suggestions of the Experts on the Asian-African Conference

5 April 1955


1. Agenda


The experts propose that our country should adopt a flexible attitude towards the conference, putting stress on the adoption of the principled resolutions, not necessarily seeking the solution of the specific issues. Regarding the Taiwan issue in particular, our representative will naturally expose and condemn the invasion of our territory Taiwan, but it seems that we don't have to take the initiative to put it forward as an item on the agenda, because the duration of the conference is very short and this issue can't be solved by such a conference. As for the issues of anti-colonialism, peaceful use of atomic energy, Indochina, etc., the conference will put them on the agenda and discuss them.


2. The main orientation of our country's work in the conference


(1) Strive for the realization of the Five Principles commonly declared by the two Prime Ministers of China and India as the commonly accepted base of international relations of the Asian-African states;


(2) Make effort to let the participating countries know our peace aims and good-neighbor policy so as to spur some of the Asian states to dispel their doubts and fears of China as far as possible;


(3) Expose and criticize US aggressive policy and its aggressive acts against China;


(4) Promote the unity of the Asian-African states in accordance with the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences;


(5)Strive to establish diplomatic relations with the participating countries, Egypt in particular, and try to find opportunities to contact the representatives of the participating states and even to invite some delegations to visit China in order to expand our political influence;


(6) Continue our work in the Geneva Conference so as to have further contact with Laos and Cambodia, Laos in particular under the present situation.


3. Strategy


(1) It would be best if we could hold a ceremony of signing a treaty of double nationalities with Indonesia so that the Southeast Asian countries could dispel their doubts and fears of the overseas Chinese and increase their trust in China;


(2) Take a specially cautious attitude towards India in order to avoid the impression of contending for leadership with it, which will give a chance to imperialism and its lackeys to sow discord between China and India;


(3) Try our best to make use of the opportunities outside the conference to contact all the delegations of the participating states due to the relatively short duration of the conference.


4. Communications


(1) Languages: Although English is used in the conference, French is also widely used in many African countries, so we propose to add some French interpreters (It would be best if some young cadres from the Foreign Ministry could be selected and they would have a chance for practice) to the delegation for the convenience of the delegation's work;


(2) Banquet: It seems proper to consider inviting all the delegations (including the hostile states) to attend our banquet, and shake hands and have conversations with all representatives;


(3) Clothes: On the ordinary occasions, the members of the Chinese delegation may wear the Western-style clothes; they must not necessarily wear the Chinese tunic suit, so as to avoid difference from others.





Experts gave opinions on the Asian-African Conference regarding agenda, strategies, and other logistic issues, basically stating that China had to focus on the adoption of principal issues, not substantial issues, and to show other countries that China was a peace-loving country.


Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00004-10, 84-88. Obtained by Amitav Acharya and translated by Yang Shanhou


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MacArthur Foundation