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January 3, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Le Duc Tho



Beijing, 5:30 p.m., 3 January 1973



Zhou Enlai: The US strategy of using bombing to put pressure on you has failed.  Nixon has many international and domestic issues to deal with.  It seems that the US is still willing to get out from Vietnam and Indochina.  You should persist in principles while demonstrating flexibility during the negotiations.  The most important [thing] is to let the Americans leave.  The situation will change in six months or one year.[1]



[1] When meeting with Ngo Thuyen, DRV ambassador to China, and Nguyen Van Quang, PRG ambassador to China, in Beijing, 8:00 p.m. 24 January 1973, Zhou received their report that a peace agreement had been reached in Paris.  Zhou said: “Please accept my congratulations. The victory is easily won. As Prime Minister Pham Van Dong says, it is important to continue the struggle. The important [thing] is that the Americans have been driven away.”

Zhou Enlai encourages Vietnam’s negotiations with the US.

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CWIHP Working Paper 22, "77 Conversations."


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