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June 4, 1989

Information Note from Romanian Embassy in Beijing to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 03:30 am

04 June 1989, 03:30 am

Cde. Olimpia Solomonescu, Deputy Foreign Minister,

During the night of 3-4 June, exceptional events took place in Beijing. Paratroopers, loaded in trucks and supported by tanks and armored transports, assaulted all the major entrance points in the city and have reached the Tiananmen Square. Here they have routed the demonstrators and cleared the square, in all aspects. Due to the events, unprecedented security measures have been taken in regards to our embassy, to prevent any unusual situations [from occurring].

If you believe that the families of the permanent and temporary personnel should be notified, [please inform them that they] are in good security and health conditions. We will concentrate all our attention to the events taking place and to the protection of the Romanian community.

(ss) [Ambassador] Angelo Miculescu

Information Note from Romanian Embassy in Beijing to Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the routing of demonstrators from Tiananmen Square


Document Information


AMAE, Telegrame, folder Beijing/1989, vol. 3, pp. 114. Translated for CWIHP by Mircea Munteanu


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