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June 9, 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki

Puzanov reports the USSR's demarche to Islamabad about the inadmissability of anti-Afghan activity from the territory of Pakistan, and about Zia-ul-Haq's response about the Pakistanis' readiness to clear away the tension and to meet with Taraki at any time.

Puzanov puts forth his observations, that during such a meeting, in exchange for the DRA's obligation to support Pakistan upon its entry into the Non-Aligned Movement, it might be possible to get from it a written agreement on a ban on Afghan refugees engaging in political activities, and the ceasing of propaganda among the Pushtu tribes and an end to the sending of armed groups into Afghanistan.

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki about a possible meeting between Pakistan’s Zia-ul-Haq and Taraki

Document Information


Notes by O.A. Westad at TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 76, d. 1044, ll. 47-51


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Memorandum of Conversation


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