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November 16, 1983

Antonio Badini, Outline of General Considerations

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

A memo to Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi from his Diplomatic Counselor Antonio Badini. Badini warns against the latest Soviet proposals. He suggests that agreeing to them without making any concessions regarding the deployment of American missiles would be tantamount to the realization of a long term goal of the Soviet Union, i.e. the decoupling between the Western European and the American defense system. […] He writes that the Soviet proposals “can be taken as a possible basis for an agreement is surprising. We can
only hope that this fact does not imply that, from a political and psychological standpoint, the process of Finlandization of Europe is far more advanced than we believed thus far.”


Document Information


Foundazion Bettino Craxi. UA 4 . "Note sul dibattito" , [1983] - 16/11/1983. Contributed by Giordana Pulcini and Leopoldo Nuti.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)