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July 1979

Informational Note from the Meeting of Secretaries of CC Fraternal Countries in Berlin (July 1979)

Informational Note from the meeting of secretaries of CC fraternal countries in Berlin (July 1979)

On July 3-5, 1979 another yearly sixth meeting took place in Berlin of secretaries for ideological and international matters of CC fraternal parties of socialist countries. Eleven parties took place in the meeting…PUWP (deputy member of Politburo secretary CC, J. Lukaszewicz; secretary of the CC Andrzej Werblan)…CPSU delegation (deputy member of the Politburo and secretary of the CC, Ponomarov; secretaries of the CC K. Rusakov; M. Zimianin, and member of the CC L. Zamiatin)


China's current policy, including China's recent aggression against Vietnam, was the main topic of the pronouncements of Vietnamese and Laotian delegations, as well as that of the Mongolian delegation. It is characteristic that a Romanian delegate did not directly criticize other parties for their positions on the Chinese issues, while some other statements were really harsh (especially those by the Vietnamese and Laotians).


Reports on the participants at this meeting in Berlin, noting that the situation with China and Vietnam were discussed at length.


Document Information


Archive of Modern Records, Warsaw (AAN), KC PZPR, LXXVI- 1027. Obtained and translated for CWIHP by Malgorzata K. Gnoinska.


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