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December 18, 1980

Secret Telegram No. 3638/IV - From Moscow to Warsaw

Secret Telegram No. 3638/IV

From Moscow to Warsaw, December 18, 1980


To [Foreign Minister] Comrade Czyrek:

Comrade Olszowski relays the following:

Based on the talks with Oleg Rakhmanin:


4. They have information that Polish labor unions went to China and their composition is not exactly the best. The [Soviets] are the proponents of not using Chinese invitations. He stressed that China is shedding crocodile tears regarding our situation. But, while sympathizing with us, they are trying to take advantage of the events in Poland to conduct their own interests.


Received by:

Comrades Kania, Pinkowski, Barcikowski, Grabski, Jagielski, Jaruzelski, Moczar, Olszowski…

Notes that the Chinese are pretending to sympathize with the Soviets, but are really trying to take advantage of the situation in Poland.

Document Information


Archive of Modern Records, Warsaw (AAN), KC PZPR, XIA/1273. Obtained and translated for CWIHP by Malgorzata K. Gnoinska.


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