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April 28, 1987

Talking Points pertaining to Economic Issues for the Conversation between the First Secretary CC PUWP, Chairman of the State Council, Comrade General of the Army, Wojciech Jaruzelski with Deputy Secretary General of the CCP, Premier of the PRC State

Warsaw, April 28, 1987

Talking points pertaining to economic issues for the conversation between the First Secretary CC PUWP, Chairman of the State Council, Comrade General of the Army, Wojciech Jaruzelski with Deputy Secretary General of the CCP, Premier of the PRC State Council Comrade Zhao Zhiyang


There is a good base for a stable, long-term development of economic relations between Poland and China…The development of permanent production ties between the Polish and Chinese industries should bear fruit in the next few years through forming joint ventures and companies. We can refer here to the example of our good tradition in the Sino-Polish Joint Shipping Venture in Shanghai. The issue of economic cooperation, as one of the conditions for a continuous increase in our trade relations, was the subject of my talks in China. We expect that, just as during my talks in Beijing, the Chinese side will approve our requests and aspirations connected with deepening our industrial cooperation…We also declare our readiness and interest to actively include Polish companies in the process of reconstruction in technological areas and modernization of industrial objects in China, as well as in building new objects. In this respect, we can refer to our good tradition from the 1950s and the 1960s when Polish specialists worked in your country building many objects…


The talking points focus on increased economic ties between Poland and China, and how economic cooperation is likely to lead the way in relations between the two.


Document Information


Polish Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN), KC PZPR, LXXVI-714. Obtained and translated by Malgorzata K. Gnoinska.


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