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September 15, 1986

The Politically Difficult Topics in Poland’s Relations with the PRC

Warsaw, September 15, 1986


The politically difficult topics in Poland's relations with the PRC (for presentation of our position in case these are brought up by the partner) [during Jaruzelski's upcoming visit to China]

1. Party relations


Our position: We want for all parties of the countries of the socialist commonwealth to develop contacts and cooperation with the PRC. We want this especially for the CPSU and the CCP. We think that this is all the more desirable and right, since there are no deep ideological differences between the parties, but only differences in the search for one's own way within the general and correct framework of building socialism. Keeping in mind the problems that accumulated in the past, as well as the conditions which emanated from them, we think that it is only a matter of time, patience, and political willingness of interested parties [for such contacts to be developed].

When it comes to both of our parties – the PUWP and the CCP – we would be in favor of maintaining informal contacts, while exchanging our views and experiences regarding theoretical and practical problems connected with building socialism in our countries.

We should also make efforts so all parties renew their cooperation with each other without any exceptions.


Prep notes for an upcoming visit of Wojciech Jaruzelski to China. The Polish delegation wants for all socialist countries to develop contacts and cooperation with the PRC.


Document Information


Polish Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN), KC PZPR, LXXVI-716. Obtained and translated by Malgorzata K. Gnoinska.


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