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March 11, 1976

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, Urgent, No. 067.051

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification


Sender: Pyongyang



Date: 11.03.1976/03:00

No.: 067.051

To: Comrade Deputy Minister, Constantin Oancea


Regarding: the Situation in South Korea


On March 9, 1976, on the occasion of the reception offered by Ambassador Dumitru Popa in honor of the Korean Ambassador to Bucharest, Pak Jeong-guk [Pak Jung Guk], the latter said that presently, more than ever before, the situation in South Korea is becoming increasingly tense. The United States of America is introducing increasing quantities of weapons, which aggravates the danger of a conflict breaking out in the peninsula.


The struggle of the popular masses in South Korea is intensifying, rising against the anti-popular regime of Park Chung Hee and in favor of a democratic society and the acceleration of the process for the reunification of the homeland.


It can be seen, the Korean diplomat said, that currently, the danger of a war breaking out is becoming more and more obvious. Given the active American presence in the Peninsula, the Korean matter is no longer a regional problem, but an international problem on whose resolution peace in Asia and in the entire world depends.


In this context, it is necessary for all the peoples of the world to intensify their efforts to condemn the interference of the United States of America in the internal affairs of Korea, to follow closely and to actively support the just struggle of the Korean people, to take decisive actions with a view to turning the UN resolution on the Korean matter into reality.


Signature: illegible



발신자: 평양


분류: 비밀




일자: 11.03.1976/03:..




수신자: 콘스탄틴 오안체아 차관 동지


남조선 상황에 관하여


1976년 3월 9일, 드미트루 포파 대사가 주최한 부카레스트 파견 조선 대사 박정국의 환영연에서 박정국 대사는 현재 남조선에서는 그 어느 때 보다 긴장이 고조되고 있다고 말했다. 미국은 무기를 도입해 한반도의 분열과 충돌을 조장하고 있고, 남조선 인민투쟁은 박정희 정권 타도, 민주사회 구현, 조국통일을 외치며 격화되고 있다.


대사는 현재 전쟁 발발의 위험이 보는 바와 같이 커지고 있다고 말했으며, 한반도에 대한 미국의 영향력을 고려한다면, 조선의 문제는 더 이상 지역적 문제가 아닌 아시아와 전세계 평화의 문제이다.


이러한 맥락에서, 전세계의 인민들은 미국의 내정간섭을 비판하고 조선인민의 투쟁을 적극적으로 지지하는 동시에, 조선에 대한 유엔결의안을 가능케 할 결단력 있는 행동과 노력을 강화해야 할 것이다.


서명- 판독불가


The Embassy of Romania in Pyongyang conveys the remarjs of Pak Jung-guk, North Korean Ambassador to Bucharest, on the situation in South Korea.

Document Information


Archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Matter 220 - Relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 1976. Obtained by Izador Urian and translated for NKIDP by Eliza Gheorghe.


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ROK Ministry of Unification and Leon Levy Foundation