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February 8, 1969

Military Exercise Specific Plan for the Coordination of the Air Defense Forces of the Polish People's Republic and the Northern Group of Forces

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


Copy Nº 1



[Polish declassification stamps]






A specific plan of coordination has been developed in accordance with the current plan of coordination between the air defense forces of the National People's Army of the GDR, the Polish Army, the Soviet Army, and the Czechoslovak People's Army with the goal of the fullest use of the capabilities of the men and equipment of the air defense of Poland and the SGV [Northern Group of Forces] to destroy an air enemy and also to provide reliable flight safety to friendly aircraft and the civil aircraft of other countries flying routes over Polish territory.




1. To destroy an air enemy with the joint coordinated efforts of the men and equipment of the Polish Army and SGV air defense if he intrudes into the airspace of Poland, and not allow him to act against troops and targets and also [not to allow] an overflight deep into the territory of Poland, the GDR, Czechoslovakia, or the USSR.


2. To perform constant reconnaissance of the means of enemy air attack and make mutual timely warning of same.


3. To mutually inform air defense forces of the air situation, enemy combat operations, and [the operations] of friendly forces, and also the danger of radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological contamination.  




(map - appendix Nº 1)


formations, units, subunits

CP, PN IA [fighter direction posts]

Cooperating airfields

PN IA with "V-1p"


reserve (temporary)






National Air Defense Forces of the Polish Army TsKP [Central Command Post] - Warsaw)

2nd kPVOS [Air Defense Corps]


26th iap


28th iap

34th iap

4th zrbr

(Volkhov) [handwritten]:



(VKP [alternate CP] of the 2nd Air Defense Corps]

26th zrbr

(Volkhov) [handwritten]:


13th ortp

(VKP 2 kPVO)

3rd IAD, VVS [Air Forces]

40th iap VVS

2nd iap VVS


8th apib [Fighter-Bomber Regiment] VVS

3rd kPVOS

11th iap

39th iap



45thiap apib VVS

62nd iap


79th zrp (Dvina)


1st ZRD [SAM bn] (Dvina)

19th ortp

17th zap (sk)





Zegrze Pom.


















































Zegrze Pom.








































































































































239th IAD

159th iap (zrd "Neva")

582nd iap (zrd "Neva")

871st iap (zrd "Neva")

94th rtp

149th ADIB


42nd apib (zrd "Neva")

zrd "Neva"

zrd "Neva"

zrd "Neva"

zrd "Neva"

189th zrp ("Volkhov")

325th zrp ("Neva")

86th ortb

















































[Handwritten]: Cooperating airfield data is entered in lists: Poland - MAL'VA, SGV - 82




1. When standing combat watch and using the alert forces and equipment the coordinating sides are guided by:


- the order of the Ministers of Defense of the coordinating sides;


- the coordination plan of the air defense forces of the GDR National Army, the Polish Army, the Soviet Army, and the Czechoslovak People's Army;


- this specific plan of cooperation.


2. The quantity of men and equipment of the SGV and Polish national air defense assigned for combat duty and the degree of readiness is determined by the decisions of the commands of the SGV and Polish national air defense respectively.


3. Information about the strength and degree of readiness of the alert forces and equipment of the SGV Air Defense CP is reported daily to the Central CP of the Polish Army Air Defense at a set time. The CP's of SGV tactical formations and the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd Polish air defense corps exchange data about their alert forces at this same time; the CP's of SGV tactical formations also send data to the CP's of Polish national air defense corps about the combat alert of SGV ground air defense equipment in the regions of the corresponding Polish national air defense corps.


4. A change of SGV alert forces to a higher degree of readiness and a scramble of IA [fighter aircraft] are done by decision of the CP's of the IA and SGV air defense formations and also by the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd corps or the TsKP of the Polish Army national air defense. For the regiments of the 239th iad and SAM troops deployed in the area of the 2nd Polish Army National Air Defense Corps this decision is sent directly from the CP of the 2nd Corps to the CP of the 239th iad, but for the air regiments of the 149th adib and SAM troops deployed in the area of the 3rd Corps [it is sent] from the CP of the 3rd Corps via the Air Defense CP of SGV LEGNICA (the decision for the ozrp [independent SAM regiment] of the SGV LEGNICA is sent directly from the CP of the 3rd Corps to the CP of the ozrp LEGNICA). If the CP of the 2nd Corps sends an instruction to the SGV 239th iad KLUCZEWO then the Air Defense CP LEGNICA is immediately informed via the Polish National Air Defense TsKP WARSAW.


When fighters are scrambled by decision of the command of the sides and also by decision of the commanders of the coordinating formations and units their CP's inform one another of the location and nature of the operations of their fighters, systematically sending all available information about them.


5. During operations against aerial targets SGV IA and the IA of Polish Army Air Defense operate at full range when necessary, handing command to coordinating CP's and landing at coordinating airfields. When necessary other operational airfields directed by the [handwritten: joint] command posts of the tactical formations of the sides can be used.


6. In order to create the conditions for dependable operations against aerial target-violators, by mutual agreement between the corresponding CP's of the SGV and Poland limit the flights which are not associated with carrying out combat missions in the areas of the targets' flights.


Flight restrictions include:


- sending aircraft crews not associated with carrying out air defense combat missions the task of leaving the given area, landing at a designated airfield, or changing flight altitude;


- issuing a flight ban in the sector of a given area and simultaneously specifying other conditions for these aircraft to perform flights;


- holding flights from airfields situated in a given area and also [those] from other airfields if the planned flight paths cross the airspace of this area.


[Translator's note: there is a handwritten paragraph numbered 2. in Polish on a page inserted in the document at this point; it may go in section IV.]


7. Both sides are obliged to make immediate mutual warning between the TsKP WARSAW and Air Defense CP LEGNICA and at the same time also between the CP of the 2nd Corps and the CP of the 239th iad, and the CP of the 3rd Corps and the Air Defense CP LEGNICA; but if there are no communications with LEGNICA and the CP of the 149th adib, announce an alert among their troops.




1. All objects in the air are divided into aerial targets and scheduled objects.


Aerial targets include:


a) combat aircraft and other means of air attack or reconnaissance of capitalist countries (unmanned equipment, aircraft and other aerial means of sabotage and reconnaissance) detected and observed beyond the border or over Polish territory;


b) airplanes and other aircraft flying without advance notification through an air traffic control service and committing a violation from outside or inside Polish airspace;

c) airplanes and other aircraft violating established flight procedures (airplanes and other aircraft flying on a flight plan through an air traffic control service not in accordance with the flight procedures established for them in Polish airspace);


d) airplanes and other aircraft without identifying [their] nationality;

e) aircraft designated an air enemy in maneuvers, exercises, training, and also control aircraft. The remaining objects are to be considered scheduled objects.


[Translator's note: two handwritten arrows in the left margin pointing to the right indicate that perhaps something is to be inserted at this point; see previous note]


3 [SIC]. In the event that their flights are in the airspace of Poland or other neighboring socialist countries the aerial targets indicated in point 1 (a, b, c, and d) are to be considered violators of the air boundaries or the established flight procedures of these countries.


4. Operations against aircraft violating air boundaries or established flight procedures are to conducted as follows:


a) [for] fighter aircraft, combat or reconnaissance aircraft of NATO countries and also airplanes or other aircraft not identifying nationality, , force [them] to land using warning lights, and if [they] refuse shoot to kill;


b) for passenger or transport aircraft of capitalist countries flying without timely notification through air traffic control channels and violating the Polish border, do not open fire, but force [them] to land at a civilian airfield designated by the air defense TsKP or the CP of a Polish air defense corps.


These airfields should support the landing of this type of aircraft violator. Taking the above security conditions into consideration, these aircraft can be sent to military airfields only in those conditions where there is no possibility of accepting them at civilian airfields;


c) for the aircraft of capitalist countries flying on a flight plan but violating established flight procedures, if [they] do not obey commands, do not open fire, but lead [them] to a[n air] corridor with the signals of fighter aircraft (Appendix Nº 2) or force [them] to land at a civilian or military airfield by decision of no lower than the senior CP duty officer of a tactical formation, guided by point 3b of this section;


d) balloons of capitalist countries identified as spheres without a crew are to be destroyed;


e) aircraft of countries of the socialist camp flying without an advance flight plan through air traffic control channels and violating Polish air boundaries are to helped to the nearest airfield or, insofar as possible, helped [obespechit'] to return to their own airfield. In the event that such an aircraft does not obey a command (moves away, camouflages the flight, or clearly exhibits an intention to flee, etc.), by agreement with the TsKP or the CP of the appropriate tactical formation of the country to which the aircraft belongs treat it like a deserter, using the rule in point 3a;


f) Polish aircraft and the aircraft of other countries of the socialist camp which are flying on a flight plan but violating established flight procedures are to be led to an established air corridor or [back] to the assigned flight route with the aid of ground-based radio equipment and, if necessary, with the aid of fighter aircraft.


5. Air violators are to be destroyed within Polish airspace and the airspace over contiguous Polish territorial waters (six nautical miles or 11.112 km from the coastline).


The pursuit and destruction of a deserting aircraft is to be done to the air boundaries (or territorial waters) of capitalist countries, landing, insofar as possible, at the airfields of cooperating neighbors.


6. If in the process of pursuit a violator ends up over the territory of a neighboring socialist country then operations against it are carried out with the permission of the air defense CP of that country.


7. Air defense SAM and AAA units and also the air defense equipment of ships at bases are to be used to destroy aerial targets if there is no opportunity for fighter aircraft to act against them.


8. Within Polish airspace the decision to shoot to kill with air defense men and equipment is made by:


a) the Polish Minister of National Defense or the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army;


b) the Commanding General of Polish National Air Defense and also the senior duty officer of the Polish National Air Defense TsKP, if there is no opportunity to immediately obtain permission from the MNO [Minister of National Defense] or the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army;


c) the corps commanders of Polish national air defense and also the senior duty officers of the CP of Polish national air defense regarding the equipment operating in the defense area of the corps in the event a delay threatens to lose the violator due to late receipt of permission from the MNO (Chief of the General Staff) or the Commanding General of Polish National Air Defense (senior duty officer of the TsKP);


d) pilots of interceptors, if:


- a violator subject to destruction is in Polish airspace and there is no doubt of his nationality, it is impossible to force him to land, there appears a fear that he will escape unpunished, and also at the time there are no communications with the appropriate PU [control post];


- a violator by his own actions threatens the safety of the interceptor or he attacks ground or sailing targets in Polish airspace.


9. The TsKP of Polish National Air Defense is informed of the results of operations by IA and SAM units to combat a violating aircraft by the SGV air defense CP, and the CP's of SGV air formations and independent SAM units [are informed] by the corresponding CP's of Polish national air defense corps.


10. [The following] are to be used to reconnoiter and establish the nationality of a violating aircraft:


a) radar data about the air situation and signals of the Kremniy-2 radar identification [Translator's note: IFF] devices. If SGV equipment is not able to verify the nationality of an air object in the Kremniy-2 system, the corresponding CP's of SGV ortp (ortb) should request the results of verification in this system from the coordinating Polish Army ortp (ortb) or the CP of the appropriate Polish national air defense corps;


b) the information of neighboring operational and tactical formations of Polish Army national air defense, the SGV, and neighboring Warsaw Pact countries;


c) the information of a higher CP.  


11. In necessary cases aerial reconnaissance of a target is organized to determine the type, quantity, and course of violating aircraft; information from the fighter crews making the intercept or engaging in battle is also used.




1. The repulsion of the air raids of an air enemy is done by the combined coordinated operations of all the men and equipment of SGV air defense and Polish national air defense forces in the common Polish air defense system.


3 2. [Translator's note: this and succeeding paragraphs were renumbered] All anti-aircraft equipment in their deployment areas from the Northern Group of Forces, the 239th iad, and the part of the forces of the 149th adib not engaged in other missions are employed to repel mass air raids of an air enemy.


4 3. Coordination between SGV IA and the Polish Army is done by targets, sectors, and boundaries and is organized by the Commanding General of Polish Air Defense with allowance for refinements resulting from the weather situation and changes in the grouping and combat effectiveness of the forces.


5 4. [Translator's note: this paragraph through paragraph 9 was crossed out]. The fighter aircraft of the 239th iad and the 149th adib operate in combat operations sectors A [handwritten: [[Forst]], Leszno, Brzeg Dolny, Lubawka] and V [handwritten: Pasewalk, Z?ocieniec, Kostrzyn, Trzcianka] respectively and the 871st iap of the 239th iad of the SGV operates in operational subordination to the 3rd iad of Polish Army [handwritten: in the sector of the 26th iap] in sector G when it is based in the region of Ko?obrzeg (see map, Appendix Nº 1), and also outside these sectors, depending on the situation. SGV fighter aircraft are not assigned areas of combat operations.


6 5. In sectors A 27 and V 32 the air defense men and equipment of the SGV are in the first echelon and destroy aerial targets independently by decision of the iad (adib) commander or the SGV air defense CP and also at the order of the commander of the respective Polish national air defense corps or the commanding general of Polish national air defense forces.


6 [SIC]. While it is based in the area of Ko?obrzeg, command of the 871st iap in sector G is exercised from the CP of the 3rd iad of the Polish Air Force (a representative from the 871st iap arrives at the CP of the 3rd iad for coordination with their own command radio communications equipment).


After the 3rd iad leaves sector G, depending on the complexity of the situation, the use of the men and equipment of the 239th iad is contemplated by decision of the commander of the 2nd Polish Army Air Defense Corps also in this sector. The decision to intercept is made by the division commander when the targets are first located.


7. The CP of the 239th iad informs the CP of the 2nd Corps in a timely manner and the CP of the 149th adib and the CP of SGV air defense inform the CP of the 3rd Corps of their decisions to destroy targets in the designated sectors V and A, information about intercepted and destroyed targets, the degree of combat readiness of their IA (IBA [fighter-bomber aircraft]), and SAMs with a simultaneous indication of the targets against which SGV air defense is not operating, and their type. In turn, the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd Corps inform the CP of the 239th iad and the SGV air defense CP respectively about the actions of Polish IA in their sectors B, G, and D and over the remaining part of the defense region of the corps and indicate the targets against which Polish air defense is not operating and their type.


8. The CP's of the corresponding Polish national air defense corps have the right to also call on SGV fighters and SAM units to destroy targets operating outside sectors A and V with SGV air defense equipment. The destruction of targets by the men of SGV SAM units deployed in the areas of Ko?obrzeg and brzeg is done in sectors of bearings from 240 o to 90o and from 280 o to 100 o respectively (see map) by decision of the commanders of the air regiments based at these airfields, with an immediate report about their decision to the CP of the 3rd iad 26th zrbr and the CP of the 3rd Corps. The destruction of targets outside the designated sectors is done with the permission of the CP of the 3rd iad 26th zrbr and the CP of the 3rd Corps respectively.


9. In sectors A and V Polish IA operates against targets not destroyed by the men and equipment of the SGV by agreement between the CP of Polish national air defense corps and the SGV air defense CP and the CP of the 239th iad of the SGV, respectively.


10. 8. [SIC] When repelling enemy air raids [Handwritten: the overall management and] coordination of air defense men and equipment is exercised by the TsKP of national air defense WARSAW but within the boundaries of the areas of combat operations of Polish air defense corps, by the CP's of these corps.


11 9. Beginning 1 April 1969 airborne alert zones (see map, Appendix Nº 1) are designated to ensure the timely intercept of aerial targets by SGV IA units operating in the first echelon. SGV IA (IBA) can also use other zones not occupied by Polish national air defense IA by agreement with the appropriate SKP [joint CP] of Polish national air defense corps. Polish IA can also use SGV airborne alert zones by agreement with the SKP of national air defense corps the CP of the iad (adib).


12. [SIC] Command of the coordinating air defense men and equipment is exercised by the corresponding commanding generals and the commanders of formations and units their CPs at the SKP. [Handwritten: the respective SGV aviation commanders with the use of their own representative].


10. 13. The acceptance and transfer of the control of fighters in the air is done through [handwritten: the respective SKP's] of the Polish 2nd and 3rd Corps and the CP's of the 239th iad and the 149th adib, if they do not have communications between them via the CP's of the corps or the Polish air defense TsKP and the SGV air defense CP (taking the regulations of points 5 and 7 8 and 9 of section VI into consideration).


The transfer of the command of fighters to the CP of a coordinating side is done via landline communications, by radio in command liaison nets of the IA control posts, and directly via fighter pilots with the aid of a common procedure code coordination table. [Handwritten: send an encrypted message to transfer instrument control (APN-1M) via the above communications equipment].


The transfer of command is considered concluded if the coordinating CP confirms the existence of two-way communications with a pilot and observation of the fighter by radar stations.


[The following] are sent to pilots from the CP (PN V-1M) to provide instrument guidance of fighters equipped with the ARL-S (Lazur') device: the wavelength, the code, and the frequency separation in which fighter guidance from the CP (PN) will be made. The pilot retunes the Lazur' aircraft equipment and reports this to the CP (PN) receiving control.




1. Coordination between IA and SAM units and AAA of the sides is organized by the command of the Polish national air defense forces but it is implemented via the SVG Air and Air Defense CP and the CP or VSKP [SIC, if VKP then "alternate CP"] of Polish air defense corps.


2. Coordination in the border region between Polish IA, SAM troops and AAA, and the SGV on one hand and the GSVG [Group of Soviet Forces in Germany] and GDR on the other is organized jointly by the command of Polish national air defense forces with the command of the SGV air defense forces under the supervision of the Commanding General of the Polish National Air Defense Forces.


3. After it declares combat readiness Nº 1 the zones of [a] SAM unit are declared zones with special flight procedures [restricted areas] for the aircraft of the sides. The airspace bounded by [the distance] of the outer boundary of a missile launch zone from the location of a [SAM] complex (depending on the speed and altitude of the targets and also the type of the complex) is to be considered a SAM unit zone of operation.


4. The aviation of the sides can conduct flights unconnected with immediate aerial combat in the zones of operation of SAM units and AAA only with the permission of the CP's of national air defense corps and the CP's of SGV formations respectively through flight plans submitted via air traffic control service channels. As a rule, only fighters of the other side with the IFF system Kremniy-2 can enter a zone of operation of the SAM troops of one of the coordinating sides.


5. The coordinating sides inform one another in advance about the situation of the SAM unit zones of operation and the AAA zones of fire. When sending the situation of the SAM unit zones the position data of the outer boundaries determined according to point 3 are transmitted, but for AAA the position data of the combat formation of AAA units [are transmitted].


6. The coordinating sides exchange the callsigns of the fighter direction posts to provide guidance to Polish IA from the fighter direction posts of the SGV air forces, and [for] the SGV air forces from the fighter direction posts (VSKP) of the Polish national air defense forces. The IA command is on channel 3.


7. The operations of SGV and Polish IA in sectors V and G are to be conducted taking the close coordination with the SAM troops of the 26th zrbr of the Polish national air defense forces (CP SZCZECIN GRYFICE) into account. This coordination is to be done in one zone (the zone of operations of the SAM troops) with the use of the PN [fighter direction post] of the Polish national air defense forces which will be deployed during combat operations and air defense exercises [handwritten: deployed] at the CP of the 26th zrbr. The coordination of reciprocal activities through the existing communications equipment [between] the SGV 239th iad [and the] 26th zrbr, the Polish Army3rd iad - 26th zrbr, the VSKP [auxiliary takeoff and control post] CHOSZCHNO - 26th zrbr. Target allocation between the 239th iad and the 26th zrbr is by decision of the VSKP [CP] CHOSZCZNO [of the] 26th zrbr.


8. The entry of SGV IA into the zone of operations of the SAM unit protecting the Silesia-D?browa industrial region and the cities of Pozna? and Gdynia can be made only if control of these fighters is transferred to the auxiliary joint CP of the TOSZEK, Pozna?, or GDYNIA national air defense corps respectively.


The transfer of the command of SGV IA is done by telephone: to the VSKP TOSZEK or Pozna? - via the CP of the 3rd Polish national air defense corps and to the VSKP GDYNIA via the 2nd Polish national air defense corps. In addition, the transfer of control can be done via the leader of the radio group.


9. The entry of Polish aircraft and the aircraft of other allied countries into zones of SGV SAM operations in sector A can be only made in the event that control is transferred to an SGV PN colocated with a SAM unit CP or by permission of the SGV air defense CP.


The transfer of the control of aircraft to an SGV PN colocated with a SAM CP is done by telephone via the CP of the 3rd Corps WROC?AW or via the leader of the group by radio.


10. Polish IA in SGV SAM zones of operation deployed in the areas of Ko?obrzeg and BRZEG enter with the permission of the respective CP of the 3rd iad (or VKP CHOSZCHNO) [handwritten: 26th zrbr) and the CP of the 3rd Corps, and in the areas of KLUCZEWO-CHOJNA in sector V only with the permission of the CP of the SGV 239th iad.


11. The procedure for IA coordination by one of the coordinating sides with the SAM troops and AAA of the other side and its support is in accordance with the "Instructions for the Organization and Implementation of Coordination Between SAM troops and Fighter Aircraft of National Air Defense" published in 1964 by the Staff of the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact.


12. Coordination with the air defense men and equipment of ships is done in accordance with the common "Instructions for Coordination Between the Air Defense Equipment of Ships and the Air Defense Men and Equipment of the Coastal Air Defense Large Formations, Formations, and Units of Warsaw Pact Countries" published by the Command of the Combined Armed Forces in 1968.


The clarification of issues of coordination is done at the tactical level.




1. Coordination includes:


- mutual notification of the coordinates and nature of targets;


- mutual information about the detection, tracking, and actions of aerial targets and friendly fighters;


- the coordination of the efforts of radar reconnaissance equipment to track large groups of targets and also targets protected by jamming, paying special attention to the detection and tracking of low-flying and high-altitude targets;


- the mutual exchange of the flight plans of their aircraft and timely notification of the actual takeoff and landing of the aircraft;


- mutual coordination of target identification numbers, granting the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd Corps the right, if necessary, to change the numbers of targets located in the regions of these corps detected by SGV radar units;


- the maintenance of uninterrupted liaison communications.


Data from SGV early warning radar sites (the 161st and 162nd RLP [radar sites]) is sent directly to the nearest CP's of Polish national air defense units and [data] from Polish national air defense radar sites Nº's [handwritten: 230, 252] [is sent] to the SGV 161st and 162nd RLP respectively.


2. The direct reconnaissance of aerial targets is conducted by the radiotechnical troops of Polish national air defense and SGV air defense, whose radar sites operate according to a commonly agreed schedule.


3. Mutual notification of the air situation is performed between:


a) the Air Defense TsKP WARSAW and the SGV air defense CP via mutual warning radio networks Nº's 240 and 255;


b) [handwritten: The 3rd] Air Defense Corps ["corps" - plural - was crossed out] receives reports about the air situation sent from the CP of radar units to the SGV air defense CP respectively:


- the 2nd Corps from the CP of the 94th SGV air defense ortp,


- the 3rd Corps from the CP of the 86th SGV air defense ortb.


c) the CP [handwritten: of the 86th ort[b]] of the radar units of SGV air defense receives reports about the air situation sent from the CP of the 3rd Corps of Polish national air defense corps to the air defense TsKP WARSAW respectively:


- the 94th ortp from the CP of the 2nd Corps;


- the 86th ortp from the CP of the 3rd Corps;


4. The mutual dissemination of information about the detection, tracking, nature, and actions of aerial targets is done by landline communications channels between:


- the CP of the 2nd Corps and the CP of the SGV 94th ortp and reciprocally;


- the CP of the 3rd Corps and the CP of the SGV 86th ortb and reciprocally.


6 5. [SIC]The mutual exchange of flight plans of friendly aircraft and the timely notification of the actual takeoff and landing of aircraft is done by landline communications channels between:


- the CP of the SGV 94th ortp and the CP of the Polish national air defense 13th rtp (CHOSZCHNO);


- the CP of the SGV 86th ortbp and the CP of the 3rd Corps WROC?AW;


- the CP of SGV air defense and the Polish national air defense [handwritten: Ts]KP WARSAW and the CP of the Polish 3rd Corps.


7 6. The command of Polish national air defense forces assigns the SGV air defense CP identification numbers [indeksy] and ranges of numbers for numbering aerial targets and friendly fighters.


The SGV air defense CP informs the Polish national air defense TsKP WARSAW of all changes in the grouping of air defense radar sites on Polish territory.


8 7. Regardless of the transmission of reports to the SGV air defense CP, the SGV early warning RLP send information about the air situation to the CP's of the radar units of the 2nd Corps via landline communications, respectively:


- from the 162nd RLP to the CP of the [handwritten: 5th rtb GRIFICE] 13th rtp CHOSZCZNO (via RLP 252) and the CP of the 3rd rtb DUNINOWO;


- from the 161st RLP to the CP of the 3rd rtb DUNINOWO.


9 8. On each occasion of the combat operation of a P-14 radar, that is, during a combat alert and operation by individual instruction from the SGV air defense CP or a signal from the Polish national air defense CP, information about the air situation is sent from the SGV early warning RLP to the CP's of the radar units of the 2nd Corps.


A signal from the Polish national air defense CP to turn on the P-14 radar is sent only on the basis of a decision of the senior duty officer of the CP of the 2nd Corps or the Polish national air defense TsKP and is sent via the SGV air defense CP.


10 9. The transmission of data from an SGV early warning RLP is done in a system of azimuth and range coordinates according to an instruction concerning the drafting and sending reports about the air situation to the RTV [radiotechnical troops].


11 10. During heightened combat readiness the CP's of the Polish national air defense 12th rtp and 13th rtp additionally organize data reception in radio links transmitting reports from an early warning RLP to the SGV air defense CP.


The signal operating instructions of these links are reported to the HQ of the Polish national air defense forces in the established manner.




1. Liaison communications between the SGV air defense CP and Polish [air defense CP] are done through active landline and radio communications channels [inserted by hand: using procedure code table Nº 11020] and also via representatives assigned by mutual agreement:


- by decision of the command of the SGV - to the Polish national air defense TsKP, and the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd Polish Corps;


- by decision of the command of Polish national air defense to the SVG air defense CP, the CP of the 239th iad, and the 149th adib.


In particular, the responsibilities of these representatives include the timely notification of planned and current [vypolnyaemye] regroupings of troops, and also the combat operations of SAM troops and IA of the coordinating sides.


2. The provision of landline communications between the SGV air defense CP, the CP's of the 239th iad [and the] 149th adib and the CP's of the 2nd and 3rd Corps is done by Polish Army air defense equipment. The extension of communications from the SGV air defense CP and the CP's of the 239th iad and the 149th adib to the fixed equipment of the Polish Ministry of Communications designated by the Polish national air defense communications command is done by SGV equipment. Radio communications are through operational radio nets and links.


The existing landline communications circuit between the CP of the Polish national air defense corps and the BRZEG aviation CP is used additionally for coordination with the SGV zrd in the area of BRZEG.


3. By the end of 1970 organize the following direct telephone channel communications in order to conduct a timely exchange of data about the air situation:


- the CP of the 2nd Corps, BYDGOSZCZ and the  CP of the 94th ortp, KLUCZEWO - two channels;


- the CP of the 3rd Corps, WROC?AW, and the CP of the SGV air defense CP, LEGNICA - two channels.


In 1970 it is intended to organize a direct telegraph channel outfitted with secure encryption equipment in order to achieve fuller operational coordination between the Polish national air defense TsKP and the SGV air defense CP.


4. The communications of the sides' representatives with their command posts at the air defense CP is done through existing landline communications channels and also through the radio channels assigned by the men and equipment of the coordinating CP's.




1. The coordinating sides are informed of the contamination of coordinating airfields, dangerous levels of radiation, and also nuclear strikes within the limits of available information relating to the areas in which the coordinating sides are located. The exchange of information is conducted between the Polish national air defense TsKP and the SGV air defense GKP [main CP] and also between the CP's of the coordinating formations through secure telephone channels or using procedure code table Nº 11020.


2. Crews which have landed at contaminated airfields will be given aid for the purposes of protection [zashchita] and eliminating the consequences of radioactive contamination.


3. The exchange of meteorological information about the current weather at coordinating airfields is to be conducted between the Polish national air defense forces and the SGV according to the rules of the 10 October 1962 conference [handwritten: May 1971 Protocol Nº 2] of the hydrometeorological services of the Warsaw Pact countries in the city of BUCHAREST [handwritten:] Moscow.


This plan of was prepared in four copies: [copies] 1 and 3 for the Polish national air defense forces, 2 and 4 for the SGV, and is effective beginning 1 March1969 [handwritten:] 1 January 1975. The rules of the 2 February 1967 [handwritten:] June 2nd 1969 specific plan of coordination between the Polish national air defense forces and the SGV becomes invalid at the same time.




1. Chart of the coordination of the men and equipment of Polish national air defense forces and the SGV (one chart each, with copy 1 is map 62/0116; copy 2, map 131/0450; copy 4, map 131/0446).


2. Signals given to intruding aircraft by Polish national air defense forces fighters.


4 3. Landline communications diagram (Nº 27/0369).


5 4. Radio communications diagram (Nº 51/0210).








7 February 1969 7 February 1969



THE 4TH VKA [should be "AIR ARMY"]



/signed/ [handwritten: GOLICHENKO]


7 February 1969


Printed in 4 copies

Copies Nº 1 and 3 to the Polish national air defense forces

Copies Nº 2 and 4 to the SGV

Typed [by] Guyska 6.02.69

Nº 0086/1


This document sets out plans to coordinate the air defense forces of the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Coordination primarily includes, for example, the mutual exchange of information regarding detection, tracking, and actions of enemy targets.


Document Information


Institute of National Remembrance (IPN-BU). Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Leon Levy Foundation