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April 16, 1955

Minutes of Conversation Between British Interim Charge d’Affaires of Hong Kong John Addis and Deputy Department Head Zhang Yue

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Central People’s Government Foreign Ministry Discussion Records


Guest: British Office of Interim Charge d’affaires Counselor [John] Addis

Translator: Yao Nianguang

Personnel Receiving: Deputy Department head Zhang Yue

Also Present: Section Head Cheng Faji

Documentation: Yao Nianguang

Time: 16 April 1955, 4:45PM

Location: Reception center downstairs of the Ping building


Main point: Regarding the landing of Premier Zhou [Enlai]’s plane in Singapore due to weather reasons. Regarding additional protection for the safety of the Premier.


Zhang [Yue]: We just received information that Premier Zhou [Enlai]’s aircraft en route to Indonesia has landed in Singapore, Beijing time today 12:45. Until today 3:20 in the afternoon, the aircraft has not left Singapore. We request that the British Office of Interim Charge d’affaires contact the government of Singapore to take effective measures in order to protect Premier Zhou Enlai. In addition, protect the aircraft and prevent anyone from getting close to the aircraft. Should there be any information please immediately inform me, I will be very thankful.


[John] Addis: I will use the quickest method to immediately inform the British government in Singapore. I believe they have already taken measures. (Bid Farewell)


A Chinese Foreign Ministry representative asks for the government of Singapore to ensure the safety of the Bandung-bounded aircraft carrying Zhou Enlai.


Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00010-03, 6-7. Translated by Jeffrey Wang.


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Minutes of Conversation


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MacArthur Foundation