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July 25, 1968

Cipher Telegraph 2765-311/8, To Minister of National Defense of the Poland, Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

[Translator's note: the text below contains numerous errors on the part of the typist. The translation presents the "cleanest" possible text.]


Top Secret



Incoming cipher message number 2765; outgoing number 311/8

Unit name: SGV 2120 25 July 1968


Warsaw, to Minister of National Defense of the Polish People's Republic, Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski.


Dear Comrade Minister!


In connection with the upcoming exercise of the combined armed forces and the agreement which was reached about the participation in it of formations of the Polish Armed Forces it would be desirable to plan for their use in the following fashion: - bring the 11th TD [tank division] to the area Kutná Hora, Pardubice, Nové Mesto, Vrchlabi Izt Kutná Hora Pardubice, Nové Mesto, Vrchlabi, using for this route: Z?otorjya, Jelenia-Góra, Vrchlabi, Ho?ice, Chlumec and Javor, Kamienna-Góra, Trutnov, Hradec-Králové, repeat: Z?otorjya, Jelenia-Góra, Vrchlabi, Ho?ice, Chlumec and Javor, Kamienna-Góra, Trutnov, Hradec-Králové. It is desirable to locate the division HQ in Hradec-Králové. - bring the 10th TD to the area of Havli?k?v-Brod, Bystrica, ?umperk Kostelec, Chrudim, via the routes - Opole, G?ubczyce, Bruntál, ?umperk, Vysoké Mýto and Kozle, Opava, ?ternberk, Moravska - T?ebová. Division HQ - Havliu?k?v Brod. It is desirable to have the 4th MD in the second echelon in the area south of Wroc?aw. An army HQ should be created to command the divisions. It is advisable to occupy the departure areas 15-17 km from the border of Czechoslovakia before the 10th and 11th TD move out to the designated areas. Their departure is to be done secretly, observing all camouflage measures. It would also be desirable to conduct preliminary reconnaissance of the routes of advance of the divisions from departure areas to the border of the ?SSR. It ought to be borne in mind that the 20th TD of the SGV is departing from an area south of Boles?awiec in the direction of Ji?ín, Kutná Hora. Considering that Soviet divisions will also be advancing together with divisions of the Polish Armed Forces it is necessary to strictly maintain the set routes and move at a coordinated time. Other questions regarding the fulfillment of these missions by Polish Armed Forces troops and their material and technical support will be discussed with your representatives on the 25th of July at Legnica. It is recommended to convey the impending missions to commanders and chiefs of staffs of regiments on the 28th of July.


Commander-in-Chief of the Combined

Armed Forces


Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Yakubovsky


Time of decryption 25.7.1968 22.00

Decrypted by Major Papciak


This Soviet cipher message provides Polish military forces with specific instructions regarding the forthcoming joint military exercise in Poland and Czechoslovakia. The given details pertain primarily to Polish troop movements.

Related Documents

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May 29, 1968

Cipher Telegram 2103-203, To Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland and Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces

This brief cipher message informs the Polish military leadership that the joint military exercise to be conducted in Poland and Czechoslovakia must be postponed from June to July.

June 1, 1968

Cipher Telegram 2142-GOU/2/85657, To the Minister of National Defense of Poland Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski

This cipher message provides the leadership of Polish forces with specific information regarding the implementation of the military exercise to be held in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

July 27, 1968

Cipher Telegram 2784-323/8, To Minister of National Defense of Poland, Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski

This Soviet cipher message gives orders to the Polish military leadership regarding the joint military exercise in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

July 28, 1968

Cipher Telegram 2791-337/8, To the Commanding General of the Silesian Military District, copy to the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces

The Soviet exercise control staff provides the Polish forces from the Silesian region with directions regarding the forthcoming military exercise. The Polish troops are ordered to maintain secrecy so as to avoid enemy intelligence gathering.

August 9, 1968

Cipher Telegram 2961-2330, To the commanding general of the 2nd Army of the Polish Armed Forces, copy to the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, Division General Cde. B. Chocha.

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August 30, 1968

Cipher Telegram 3234-8/220, Warsaw to Minister of National Defense of the Polish People's Republic Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski

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August 30, 1968

Cipher Message 3235-8/223, Warsaw to Minister of National Defense of the Polish People's Republic Division General Cde. W. Jaruzelski

Because the Warsaw Pact has recently conducted a large number of military exercises and the costs of doing so, and given the present military occupation of Czechoslovakia, Soviet Marshal Yakubovsky proposes postponing the October joint military exercise to the following year. Yakubovsky solicits Polish General Jaruzelski's opinion on the matter.

Document Information


Institute of National Remembrance (IPN-BU). Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Leon Levy Foundation