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October 3, 1953

Aide Memoire from the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Government of India

Ministry of External Affairs

New Delhi

3rd October 1953.




The Prime Minister of India sent a message early in September to the Prime Minister of China suggesting that the two governments should take the earliest opportunity to consider all pending matters in Tibet. He invited the Chinese Government to confer with the Government of India at the earliest opportunity, either at Delhi or in Peking, on all such matters affecting relating between the two countries. He also expressed his conviction that this would lead to a satisfactory settlement and remove every cause of possible friction.


2. The Prime Minister of India further stated that the Government of India are ready to discuss and modify certain practices and even to remove some of them if they are considered as affecting the dignity of China.


3. The Chinese Embassy in Delhi have expressed their views on some pending matters to the Ministry of External Affairs. They have stated that if the Government of India would suggest the withdrawal of the Indian Military Escorts stationed in Tibet as a step towards the settlement of the question of relations between China and India in Tibet, the Government of China would welcome this suggestion.


4. The Government of India have carefully considered this matter and with a view to facilitating the early settlement of all pending questions, they have decided to accept the suggestion of the Government of China. They wish to inform the Government of China that, as a gesture of goodwill and friendship, they agree in principle to the withdrawal of all their Military Escorts in Tibet, subject to details of the withdrawal being discussed between the two Governments along with other pending matters.


5. The Government of India hope that the Chinese Government will find it convenient to confer with them at an early date on all matters pending between the two countries with regard to their relations in Tibet. They would also repeat the request which they have already made that there should be no interference with the existing practices in Tibet pending a final settlement.






India agrees in principle to withdraw their Military Escorts in Tibet and proposed conversation between the two governments at the earliest opportunity


Document Information


PRC FMA 105-00032-05, 23. Obtained by Dai Chaowu.


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MacArthur Foundation