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April 20, 1950

Cable from Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'On the Repatriation of Korean Nationals in China'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

The Foreign Ministry replied to a letter from the Shanghai Foreign Affairs office regarding the involuntary repatriation [North] Korean nationals within [China]. “Regarding the letter you have sent on April 7 serial code 2301 regarding the management of Japanese and Korean nationals, our Ministry currently does not have overall regulations. Based on our experience dealing with past cases we propose the following views:


1. Regarding technical personnel, we should strive to reform and keep them.


2. If ordinary nationals without civil or criminal cases request to return, then they will be approved to leave.


3. Regarding Japanese and Korean prisoners of war, those who face difficulty in training due to language barriers, those who participated in early revolutionary work, or those who cannot work at ease due to family issues should be sent back to their countries if they so request.


4. Those with difficulty living [in China] and affect our social order should be repatriated to their own countries as soon as possible.


Regarding the issue of Korean nationals requesting gratis trips home; the Railway Ministry does not have such regulations.”


The Chinese Foreign Ministry reports on procedures for repatriating Koreans and Japanese living in China.

Document Information


PRC FMA 118-00080-10, 78-79.


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MacArthur Foundation