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November 15, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Report on Fidel Castro’s letter to UN Secretary-General U Thant'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


This afternoon, Castro sent [UN Secretary-General] U Thant a letter, once again rejecting any country or international organization conducting inspections on Cuban territory and reiterating that the five points raised by Cuba are the basics. This letter reveals that the US recently continued sending airplanes into Cuban airspace, and indicates that Cuba has the right to retaliate by shooting. It firmly expresses that Cuba is determined to defend its sovereignty and rights, and will never beg for survival on its knees.


 [Chinese] Embassy in Cuba

15 November 1962

A report from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba saying that Castro has send a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General rejecting any country or international organization who would conduct inspections on Cuban territory. The letter also reveals that US airplanes being sent into Cuban airspace could be shot down.

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PRC FMA 111-00342-07, 11. Translated by Zhang Qian.


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Leon Levy Foundation