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October 31, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Cuban Leader Talked about the Situation'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



A Cuban Leader Talked about the Situation


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


Tonight Ordoqui said:


“Someone (referring to the Soviet Union) does not agree to the five conditions we raised.”


2) “When negotiating with [UN Secretary-General] U Thant, we made Cuba’s position crystal clear. Fidel [Castro] told him [U Thant] that an inspection, regardless of its form, would not be approved [by Cuban leaders], nor would it be approved by the Cuban people. We already have the experience of Congo. The basis of negotiation will be these five points; no other issues could be discussed. This time U Thant’s attendants, too, have returned with disappointment.”


Fidel said that we would not back down, not to mention conceding, and that [we] should be firm; if not, [we] will bring immeasurable loss to Latin American people.


3) Ordoqui said: The Brazilian president [Joâo Goulart] sent [his aide, Gen. Albino] da Silva to Cuba, indicating that the Brazilian government is willing to mediate in the hopes of solving the Cuban problem, that the US is also willing to maintain relations with Cuba, and that [the Brazilian government] wants Cuba to return to the Organization of American States. Fidel thanked them for their efforts, indicating to him [Silva] that Cuba approves [the Brazilian government’s initiative to] do so. Regarding the issue of joining the Organization [of American States], it would not be approved, but we also know the direction to which [we] should march. [Fidel] maintained that Cuba will defend its own endeavor in a resolute manner.


[Chinese] Embassy in Cuba

31 October 1962

A report from a conversation with Joaquín Ordoqui. Two major topics are discussed. First: The Brazilian president, Joâo Goulart, sent his aide, Gen. Albino da Silva to Cuba, indicating that the Brazilian government is willing to mediate in the hopes of solving the Cuban problem, that the US is also willing to maintain relations with Cuba, and that [the Brazilian government] wants Cuba to return to the Organization of American States. And second: When negotiating with [UN Secretary-General] U Thant, we made Cuba's position crystal clear. Fidel [Castro] told him [U Thant] that an inspection, regardless of its form, would not be approved [by Cuban leaders], nor would it be approved by the Cuban people.

Document Information


PRC FMA 111-00342-05, 15-16. Translated by Zhang Qian.


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Memorandum of Conversation Report


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Leon Levy Foundation