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November 1, 1962

Telegram from Chilean Embassy in Rio de Janeiro (Ruiz Solar)

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


Ministry of Foreign Relations.   




From Rio de Janeiro

Mr Minister of Foreign Relations

Santiago, Chile


No 303

1 November 1962 -


Fulfilling instructions of your telegram No. 183, I met with heads of Itamaraty [Brazilian foreign ministry—ed.] who agreed [that it was] necessary to keep close information and exchange points of view on the Cuban case as they have done so far in all the international problems, also adding: Brazil will maintain [its] proposal before the United Nations for the denuclearization of Africa and Latin America, [with] the assurance [that it] will obtain approval by a large majority.


SECOND. - Questioned about true reach of the so-called “Brazilian mediation” led by General Albion [Albino Silva], [the military] Representative [of] President [João] Goulart, I have been informed that it consisted of the following: a) Demilitarization of Cuba to the point of eliminating offensive weapons and limiting defensive ones; b) Prohibition of ideological exportation from Cuba; c) Acceptance of the installation an observation [verification] commission. As a legitimate cause Cuba will be given non-intervention assurances  for its territory.


THIRD - When asking him whether these statements coincided exactly with the United Nations Secretary General’s effort they recognized in a confidential manner that the Brazilian effort did not exactly constitute a mediation but rather straightforward support for U Thant’s intervention.


FOURTH - They also told me that Brazil maintains its decision not to break relations with Cuba, but that if that Government does not accept the dismantling of bases, [Brazil] will support immediate employment of armed force in accordance with article eight of the Rio Treaty (TIAR [Tratado Interamericano de Asistencia Reciproca]).


As a result of prolonged conversations I was able to verify that [the] Government is maneuvering [this] so-called “mediation” in order to impress on public opinion the “important action and global position [of] Brazil,” consequently diverting ______ accusations of [a] weakly defined policy [regarding] the Cuban case. - [MARCELO] RUIZ SOLAR.-


A telegram from Ruiz Solar (diplomat) describing Brazil and Chile's foreign relations with Cuba in regards to U.S.-Cuban tensions. It covers discussions in the United Nations on the subject and also the "Brazilian mediation" attempt to demilitarize Cuba.


Document Information


Archivo General Historico, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Santiago, Chile. Obtained by Tanya Harmer and translated by Eduardo Baudet and Harmer.


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Leon Levy Foundation