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October 31, 1962

Telegram from Yugoslav Embassy in Rio de Janeiro (Barišić) to Yugoslav Foreign Ministry

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FPRY

Sending: Rio

Received: 5.XI 62. at 18.45

No. 415

Taken into process: teletypewriter

Date: 31.X 1962

Completed: 5.XI 62 at 18.55



Very urgent




The talks with [Brazilian foreign ministry official Carlos A.] Bernardes on 31 October.


Fidel met with Goulart’s envoy [Gen. Albino Silva] in the Brazilian Embassy [in Havana]. Expressed his satisfaction with the Brazilian attitude and actions. Accepted thesis on disarmament inspection and guarantees in the UNO [United Nations Organization], although not only for Cuba itself but for the larger area.


Brazil finds it acceptable and possible to be carried out in the framework of their proposal to the UNO about the deatomization [denuclearization] of LA and Africa. F. must promise not to interfere in the political life of the neighbors.

F. demands the evacuation of Guantanamo for what, according to B., Americans stop their ears. They have evidence that the USA would accept disarmament and guarantees through the UNO and the nonintervention of Cuba. The USA had some minor comments to their proposal about the deatomization for which they are expecting unanimous support. They know that the US press praises Brazil following directives, while Kennedy has personally made some tiny friendly gestures towards Brazil, which implies that the USA will try a kind of agreement with Cuba. However, they don’t expect any stronger engagements of the USA before the 7th [6th] of November [mid-term Congressional] elections. They estimate that Kennedy has assured his victory on the elections because of the popularity he had gained with this crisis, making it possible to negotiate more seriously later. He considers that the USSR has lost its prestige and confidence although at the last moment it did much to secure peace. He believes that Khrushchev’s hesitation was due to the internal antagonisms and that resignations are to be expected in the USSR. I stated my opinion that the basic matter now was to make the USA negotiate and achieve guarantees about K. Their envoy is coming back on the 1st of November, and after his report he will work out the further action.




The Yugoslav Embassy in Rio de Janeiro tells the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry about Brazil's proposal to the United Nations (denuclearization of Latin America, Cuba will not export revolutionary operations, Cuban guarantee of independence) and about how difficult it might be to implement the various aspects of this resolution. For example, when it comes to discussions of the evacuation of Guantanamo, Americans "stop their ears."

Document Information


Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AMIP), Belgrade, Serbia, PA (Confidential Archive) 1962, Kuba, folder F-67. Obtained by Svetozar Rajak and Ljubomir Dimić and translated by Radina Vučetić-Mladenović.


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Leon Levy Foundation