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December 12, 1954

Cable from Peng Di, 'Please Advise on Reporting on the Afro-Asian Conference'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Vice Foreign Minister has read this

Forward to: Xinhua News Agency, [text illegible] and Peng

Date: 1954 December 12

Priority: Additional Rush

From: Indonesia

Already forwarded to: Foreign Minister, Central Propaganda Department, Xinhua News Agency


Please Advise on Reporting on the Afro-Asian Conference


To the Xinhua News Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


The duration of the Bogor Conference is only two days longs, and the conference will be conducted in secret, only regular news is [text illegible], including communiqués of the conference, etc. important material, public activities such as journalist receptions etc. Report on the inside material of the conference (the material accordingly uses news telegraphs [text illegible]) and the reaction of various Indonesian groups after the conference, etc.


Due to limitations of time, manpower, etc. we estimate it will be impossible to conduct individual interviews. If there is any opportunity to interact with the prime ministers of India, Burma and Indonesia, etc. then you can only bring forth some questions of a general nature about peace in Asia. For example: What will be the effect of the Bogor Conference upon peace in Asia? What further steps should be taken in order to further the enterprise of peace in Asia and the world? What is the common foundation for solidarity between Afro-Asian countries? What is the extent of the Afro-Asian peace zone? How can this kind of peace zone be established?


Due to [the fact] that China’s position among Afro-Asian countries will be one of the important issues discussed at the Bogor Conference, might it not be more appropriate for other Indonesian reporters to bring forth questions about this issue.


Regarding [the issue of] whether or not it is appropriate to ask the prime ministers of India and Burma at the proper time to discuss their thoughts on visiting, the prime minister of Burma might be conducting a visit two days prior to the conference; it is necessary to accompany him and report [on his visit].


In sum, the main purpose of this time’s reporting is to understand the situation, obtain [text illegible] and prepare for conditions of covering the Afro-Asian conference.


The reporter from the India Times from Beijing has reached here, it is inevitable for him to [text illegible], please provide related [information] on his situation. During the process of reporting maintain alertness and avoid standing out.


Please instruct on other main points that [we] should pay attention to.


Peng Di

12 December [1954]



Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00002-04, 90-91. Translated by Jeffrey Wang.


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MacArthur Foundation