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December 29, 1954

Cable from Peng Di, 'Brief Report on the situation of the Bogor Conference'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Forward to: Chen [Jiakang], Peng

Priority Level: Special Rush

From: Indonesia

Date: 29 December 1954

Already forwarded to: Zhou [Enlai], Deng [Xiaoping], Chen Yi, [Xi] Zhongxun, Foreign Ministry, [Wang] Jiaxiang, [Li] Kenong, Su [Yu], Military Unified [Command], Military Intelligence, Central Propaganda Department, Xinhua News Agency


Brief Report on the situation of the Bogor Conference


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Xinhua News Agency:


The situation of the secret meeting of the Bogor Conference, conducted on the afternoon of the 28th, as understood from the side is as follows:


The meeting was conducted smoothly, the attitude of the prime ministers of Pakistan and Ceylon were better than previously expected. The Indonesian side mentioned many opinions, and has already obtained agreements; [the meeting] has already agreed to ask Indonesia under the name of the five prime ministers to organize the Afro-Asian Conference. The date of the conference will be April next year; the location has not yet been finally decided. The meeting agreed that peaceful coexistence, policy of neighborliness, etc. will be the foundation for the convocation of the Afro-Asian Conference. Countries that will be invited will be independent Afro-Asian countries; the list of specific countries is currently being discussed. It was said that the Indonesian prime minister strongly proposed that China should be invited, but if the opposition in the conference is too great, then he will not insist [for China to be invited]. This is because the [successful] convocation of the Afro-Asian Conference is the most important thing to Indonesia.


Regarding the conference agenda of the Afro-Asian Conference, the prime minister of Burma proposed that it would be best to have the Afro-Asian Conference itself decide [the conference agenda] formally; this is to eliminate the concerns of Arab countries towards the conference. The Indonesian side is very dissatisfied with the United States’ twisted propaganda and sabotage conspiracies [against] the conference.


The above situation [report] is only for consultation [purposes], please do not publish.


Peng Di

29 December 1954


Brief report on the secret meeting of the Bogor Conference on the 28th. It was agreed to ask Indonesia to organize the Asian-African Conference in April the following year.

Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00002-04, 92-93. Translated by Jeffrey Wang.


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MacArthur Foundation