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October 27, 1962

Cable from Dutch Embassy, Washington (Van Roijen), 27 October 1962

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

DATE OF DISPATCH: 26 October 1962


DATE OF RECEIPT: 27 October 1962


TO: Min[ister]. o[f]. F[oreign].A[ffairs]


FROM: Washington




Obviously State Department is showing great interest in messages from Havana about mood and developments over there. If [Dutch ambassador to Cuba G.W.] Boissevain still has the opportunity to report in writing, would you approve of redirecting not only his telegrams but also his letters to me?


Van Roijen 918


Van Roijen relates that the U.S. State Department has great interest in learning about the mood in Cuba, particularly Havana. Van Roijen asks the Minister of Foreign Affairs to forward all of Boissevain's correspondences including his personal letters to him.

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National Archives, The Hague, Archives of the Dutch Legation (later Embassy) in Cuba, 1955-1964, 2.05.169, inv. 87. Obtained for CWIHP by Rimko van der Maar and translated for CWIHP by Rimko van der Maar.


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Leon Levy Foundation