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April 10, 1968

Comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to CPSU CC, 10 April 1968

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



As is known, on a series of military-political questions, a special position is also advanced by the leaders of Cuba, who, in the sphere of foreign policy, show clear elements of political adventurism.


We provide all-sided aid to Cuba, including considerable military aid. Thousands of Soviet military specialists, i.e., officers, sergeants, and soldiers, are stationed in Cuba, protecting its security, training its forces. However, all of this does not meet with appropriate recognition on the part of the Cuban leaders.


Our officers, sergeants, soldiers, despite the anti-Soviet splittist activity of the leaders of Cuba, steadfastly and self-sacrificingly carry out their service, honestly carry out their duty, of envoys of the Soviet country.


A comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to the CPSU CC on 10 April 1968 regarding the Soviet Union's relations with Cuba. He says, "We provide all-sided aid to Cuba, including considerable military aid. Thousands of Soviet military specialists, i.e., officers, sergeants, and soldiers, are stationed in Cuba, protecting its security, training its forces. However, all of this does not meet with appropriate recognition on the part of the Cuban leaders."

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RGANI, fond 2, opis 3, delo 94, l. 6. Obtained and translated for CWIHP by Sergey Radchenko.


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Leon Levy Foundation