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May 31, 1967

Notice from the First Machine Building Ministry Concerning Suspension of the Preparatory Work for Receiving North Korean Trainees

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Highest Level Instruction


Being devoid of a correct political viewpoint is the same as not having a soul.

-- “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People”


Notice from the First Machine Building Ministry of the People’s Republic of China Concerning Suspension of the Preparatory Work for Receiving [North] Korean Trainees (1967) Confidentialwaizi No. 565


Concerned special bureaus, all concerned provincial (municipal) industrial departments (bureaus), all training units:


We have received Notice No. 151 waijing zhuanxiezi of May 10, 1967from the Foreign Economic Commission [which states that]: “Since the [North] Korean side has delayed for the long term sending it student trainees to China, this has caused a lot of hardship and losses to our side’s preparatory work; after asking for instructions from the State Council Foreign Affairs Office, it has agreed to suspend our side’s preparatory work.”


In accordance, our ministry has suspended all preparatory work in connection with the reception of trainees for training [in connection with] aid to [North] Korea under already signed and still unsigned contracts for all projects sets.  Already designated training staff members can for now arrange other work.  Already in-process technical training work may be finished in accordance with practical conditions and then concluded.  


Should the [North] Korean side in the future still propose to send trainees to China at the time set in the original contracts, [their trainees] can again come to China after our preparatory work has been completed and after [we have received] higher approval.


First Machine Building Ministry of the People’s Republic of China

May 31, 1957


Copies to:  All concerned special bureaus, all concerned provincial (municipal) industrial departments (bureaus), all training units


Notice from the First Machine Building Ministry suspending all preparatory work in connection with the reception of trainees for training in connection with aid to North Korea.

Document Information


Shanghai Municipal Archives, B112-5-132, p. 24. Obtained by Liang Zhi and translated by Neil Silver.


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MacArthur Foundation