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September 4, 1930

Imre Nagy’s OGPU (Unified State Political Directorate) Enlistment

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


I, the undersigned, employee of the Department of the OGPU (last name)        Nagy       (first name)   Imre (patronymic)   Iosofovich   in the course of service, or after being discharged, presently commit myself to keep in the strictest secret all information and data about the work of the OGPU and its organs, not to divulge it in any form nor to share it even with my closest relatives and friends.  I will be held accountable for any failure to carry out my responsibilities according to Article 121 of the Criminal Code.


Order of the OGPU of April 3, 1923, No. 133, etc. RVS USSR of July 19, 1927 has been declared to me.

Signature: Nagy Imre Iosofovich

4 September 1930


NOTE: The present document must be kept in the personal file of the employee.

Certificate signed by Imre Nagy upon enlistment in the OGPU secret police (later the NKVD).


Document Information


TsKhSD, F. 89, Per. 45, Dok 79


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Leon Levy Foundation