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March 12, 1981

Hungarian Embassy in Nicaragua, Telegram, 'DPRK aid to Nicaragua'

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

On 5-15 March 1981, a Korean folk art exhibition was held in Managua. The cultural delegation that arrived [in Nicaragua] on the occasion of the exhibition was headed by Kim S. Jum [sic], a deputy director-general of the DPRK Ministry of Culture.


Kim S. Jum [sic] told the Sandinista leadership that the government of the DPRK would build 3 industrial plants, 3 hospitals, and 3 educational centers (centro de formación) in Nicaragua free of charge. The construction would start on the date suggested by the Nicaraguan leaders.


The FSLN’s request for aid had been transmitted to the leaders of the Korean Workers’ Party by T[omás] Borge during the visit he paid to the DPRK in June 1980.


(I received this information from Commander H. Ruiz, the minister of planning.)


János Kiss



The Hungarian Embassy in Nicaragua notes the arrival of a North Korean cultural delegation and comments on the DPRK's government plans to help with construction in Nicaragua.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1981, 86. doboz, 81-65, 002702/1981. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai.


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ROK Ministry of Unification and Leon Levy Foundation