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January 12, 1976

Transcript No. 100, §3, Annex No. 1, 'Approximate Themes for Republic Press, Radio & Television Interventions Oriented towards the Neutralization of Romanian National Propaganda that Harms the Interests of the USSR'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Annex No. 1

Transcript No. 100, §3


Approximate Themes for Republic Press, Radio & Television Interventions Oriented towards the Neutralization of Romanian National Propaganda that Harms the Interests of the USSR


Problems & Events Treated Incorrectly in SRR

Themes of [Soviet] Interventions

1. Romanian historians write much about events connected with the occupation of Moldova by Wallachia in 1600, interpreting it as “the first union of the Romanian principalities into a unitary state.”

The Campaign of Michael the Brave in Moldova in 1600. Michael the Brave and Moldova.

2. Romanian historiography exaggerates the role of the Romanian Army in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) and underestimates the role of Russia in the liberation of the Balkan peoples from under the Turkish yoke.

The role of Russia in the liberation of the Balkan peoples from under the Turkish yoke and the formation of independent statehood.

K. Marx and F. Engels about the progressive role of Russia in the destinies of the Danubian and Balkan peoples.

The classics of Marxism-Leninism about the participation of Romania in the anti-Turkish wars.

K. Marx and F. Engels about the Moldavian people. The union with Russia—the principal aspiration of the Moldavian people in its long struggle against the Ottoman yoke.

Bessarabia was joined to Russia 47 years before the Romanian state was formed.

3. The joining in 1812 of Bessarabia to Russia is characterized in Romanian literature as an act of occupation of Romanian territory.

The progressive results of the joining of Bessarabia to Russia.

The criticism of the bourgeois falsifiers about the results of the joining of Bessarabia to Russia. The importance of the joining of Bessarabia to Russia for the development of the culture and public education of the Moldavian people. Drawing the Moldavian people into the bourgeois-democratic and proletarian-revolutionary movements—the most important results of the joining of Bessarabia to Russia. The first book printed on Moldavian soil—a result of the beneficent influence and assistance from the progressive circles of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples.


4. Romanian linguists and literati try to demonstrate that in the Romanian language there are almost no Slavonic elements and that the Moldavian language is the Romanian language.

The role of the Russian, Ukrainian languages, and of the other Slavic languages in the formation and development of the Moldavian and Romanian languages. The unity and difference between the Moldavian and Romanian languages. The language and the people. The language and the nation. The language is an important but not a decisive characteristic of a nation.

5. Romanian historiography assesses the decision of the traitorous Sfatul Ţării and the occupation of Bessarabia by Romania in 1918 as an expression of the will of the Moldavian people.

The Sfatul Ţării is the center of bourgeois-nationalist counterrevolution in Bessarabia.

World public opinion about the 1918 occupation of Bessarabia by the Romanian kingdom.

The struggle of the working people of Bessarabia against the Romanian occupiers and the local exploiters for reunion with the Soviet fatherland.

6. The events connected with the struggle of the working people of Bessarabia in 1918-1949 under communist leadership for the reunion with the motherland, as well against the occupation of Soviet Moldavia by the Romanian kingdom in 1941 are passed over in silence in Romanian historiography. At the same time, the achievement of centuries-long aspirations of the Moldavian people—the reunion of the region with the country of Soviets in 1940—is interpreted by SRR party historians even as an occupation of Romanian territory by the Soviet Union: “On 26 June, as is known, following the Soviet ultimatum, the Government and Carol II ceded the territory between the Prut and Nistru Rivers, as well as northern Bucovina, which was annexed by the Soviet Union.”

Who benefits from the falsification of the history of the Moldavian people?

World public opinion about the crimes of the Romanian occupiers on Moldavian soil.

International support for the struggle of the working people for reunion with the motherland.

The Moldavian people do not need “bourgeois compassion that stands in contradiction to its aspirations.”

A series of articles consecrated to the anniversaries of the beginning of the largest political demonstrations (strikes), as well as armed manifestations (strikes), clashes and uprisings of the Moldavian people against the Romanian oppressors.

The reunion of Bessarabia in 1940 with the Soviet fatherland—a realization of the aspirations of the Moldavian people.

The active support and joy of the progressive elements of the Moldavian people in connection with the liberation of Bessarabia from under the yoke of the Romanian capitalists and landowners.

7. In Romanian literature nothing is mentioned about the participation of Romania in the war against the USSR on the side of Hitler’s Germany.

The Romanian bourgeois-landowners are the vanguard of fascism against the Soviet Union.

The crimes of the Romanian occupiers on the occupied territory of Bessarabia, the center of subversionist acts against the MASSR [Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic 1924-1940].

Illegality and the partisan movement in Moldavia in the period of the region’s occupation by Romanian-German oppressors.

The solidarity of the Romanian communists with the struggle of the working people of Moldavia for the liberation of the region from the Romanian occupiers.

The struggle of the progressive workers and peasants in Romania against the participation of the royal dictatorship in the imperialist anti-Soviet war.

8. Romanian literature exaggerates beyond all bounds the role of Romania in the final stage of the Second World War, [and] the importance of the military revolt in Bucharest on 23 August 1944 in destroying Hitlerism in Southeast Europe.

The destruction of the German fascist army and its allies during the Iasi-Chişinău operation—an important moment in the liberation of the peoples of Europe from under the fascist yoke.

The destruction by the Soviet Army of the group of German-Romanian troops—an important condition for activating the struggle of the peoples of the countries of Southeast Europe for national and social liberation.


The Iasi-Chişinău Operation led to the liberation of Romania from under the fascist yoke and created a necessary condition for the transfer of power into the hands of the working people.

Series of speeches by some well-known army commanders with memories about the battles for the liberation of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary.

9. In the SRR the works of bourgeois Romanian militants (Kogalniceanu, Balcescu, Iorga, Goga, etc.) are widely disseminated, with no critical evaluation of their reactionary political and philosophical conceptions.

The Class Approach—an indispensable condition for the objective evaluation of the creations of past leaders.

K. Marx and F. Engels about the activity of Kogalniceanu, Balcescu and of other past militant of Romania.

10. All of the ideological work in the SRR is oriented towards the education of the population and especially the youth “in the spirit of the millenary traditions of the Romanian people,” in the spirit of availability “at any moment and at the price of any sacrifice to defend the sovereignty of their nation and national independence from the danger of any aggression.” The form and content of this activity erases the boundary between patriotism and nationalism.

The solution of the national problem in the countries of socialist Europe.

National sovereignty from proletarian and bourgeois perspectives.

Proletarian imperialism against chauvinism and racism.

V. I. Lenin on Soviet patriotism and proletarian internationalism.

V. I. Lenin on the attitude towards the legacy of the past.

Nihilism and bourgeois national cosmopolitanism.

Leninist traditions and the struggle against bourgeois ideology and its contemporary importance.

The Leninist legacy and contemporary revisionism.

The work of V. I. Lenin Marxism and Revisionism against contemporary “national communism.”

11. In Romania there is much talk today about European security, but the fundamental principle of this security such as the permanence of existing European borders and the renunciation of territorial pretensions is not even mentioned.

The permanence of existing European borders—a keystone of European security. The socialist countries in the struggle for security in Europe.

12. In party and state documents, in press and oral propaganda of the SRR, the fact that the principle of peaceful coexistence of the countries with different social regimes is a special form of class warfare, and that the active development of relations with the capitalist world must in no way prejudice the coordinated policy of the socialist countries [and] their principal common interests, is passed over in silence.

The Class Approach—a fundamental principle of theory and practice for the Marxist-Leninist parties.

Peaceful coexistence—a special form of class warfare between two social systems. The unity and proletarian sovereignty of the friendly countries—a principal guarantee of the process of socialism.

Socialist integration—a principal lever for accelerating the economic and social progress of the countries of world socialism.

13. At the same time Romanian authors speak in an undifferentiated manner about the dissolution of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and do not underscore that the first has an aggressive character, and the second—a defense character.

The Warsaw Pact—a guarantee of the independence and sovereignty of all member states.

The radical difference between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

The consolidation of the power of the Warsaw Pact—a daily preoccupation of the member countries.

The participation of the socialist countries in the defensive Warsaw Pact—a real contribution to the cause of proletarian internationalism.

14. The SRR leadership underscores at every opportunity the importance of taking into consideration and making use of specific [national] particularities in the construction of socialism in Romania, but takes a dismissive attitude towards the general legitimacy for itself of all the other socialist countries. The organs of bourgeois information, especially Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, etc., justifiably appreciate such a position as an appeal to “national socialism.”

Criticism of the revisionist concepts of “the plurality of models of socialism.”

“National socialism”—a revision of Marxism-Nationalism.

15. The Romanian comrades do not criticize the erroneous conception of the Maoists regarding “superpowers” and, at the same time, they propagate with every means another idea, likewise not lacking in evident defects, about the role and increasing importance of the small and medium-sized states in world events.

The inconsistency of the Marxist concept of “the superpowers.”

Equality in rights, non-interference in domestic affairs and mutually advantageous collaboration—extremely important principles in the international policy of the CPSU.

The countries of socialism in the struggle for equality of rights in relations between states.

The struggle of the Soviet Union and of other countries of socialism for the liquidation of the imperialist policies of discrimination in international life.

16. The Romanian leadership has a negative attitude towards the idea of convoking a conference and regional or international meetings of the communist and workers parties.

The role of conferences and meetings of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties in the struggle for peace, social progress and socialism.

17. In the SRR the assistance granted Romania by the Soviet Union and other friendly countries in the formation and development of its economy is passed over in silence completely.

The disinterested assistance of the Soviet Union and of all socialist countries in the formation and development of the economy, science and culture of Romania.


In conformity with the original: (signature)


In this annex, the Moldavian Communist Party outlines specific themes and topics that should be discussed in propaganda produced to counter nationalist Romanian propaganda. Specific historical facts and events are listed which are "treated incorrectly" in Romanian works along with suggested counterarguments for Soviet and Moldavian historians.

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 39, dosar 16, filele 26-32; Document No. 17 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 78-83. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Leon Levy Foundation