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December 29, 1981

Moldavia Communist Party Central Committee, Transcript No. 24 of the Meeting of Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Transcript No. 24

Of the Meeting of Central Committee Bureau

of the Moldavian Communist Party


Cde. Grossu presided

Participants included:


Members, Presidium of the Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee

Cdes. Voronin, Eremei, Kalenik, Calin, Merenishchev, Petric, Savochiko, Stepanov, Ustian

Candidate Members, Presidium of the Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee

Cdes. Dagai, Kiktenko

Members, Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee

Cdes. Zazimko, Panfilov

Section Chief, Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee

Cde. Zhorneak

First Deputy Chiefs of Sections, Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee

Cdes. Angheli, Liubatsin, Riabov


4. Regarding the Continual Intensification of the Struggle Against Bourgeois and Revisionist Propaganda Targeting The Moldavian SSR (Cdes. Petric, Merenishchev, Grossu)



Recently, bourgeois and revisionist propaganda has abruptly intensified [its] hostile actions against the Moldavian SSR. It tries to discredit the Leninist nationalities policy of the CPSU, it falsifies the history of the formation and development of Moldavian statehood and of the formation of the Moldavian nation, it tends to stir up nationalist, professionalist, [and] anti-Russian dispositions among the ranks of a certain part of the Soviet people, to oppose the Moldavian people to the Russians and other peoples of the USSR, to identify politically unstable persons and to draw them into anti-Soviet activity.


Nationalism has become one of the principal means of the imperialist secret services in their subversive actions against real socialism. Implementing an ideological subversion based on bourgeois nationalism, foreign anti-Soviet centers propagate the ideas of “national exclusivity” and “national spirit.”


The adversary implements subversive actions taking into account the concrete situation of different regions of the country, it uses all the more frequently veiled and concealed methods of exerting political and ideological influence over the Soviet peoples. It does not purely or simply disseminate ideas aimlessly into space; it sends them to specific addresses. Among the preferred destination audiences, its efforts, in the first place, are concentrated on the massive ideological preparation of technical and creative intelligentsia, of students and of other categories of youth.


The hostile activities of imperialism against the Moldavian SSR recently have been actively using the procedure based on foreign recognition of the achievements of our republic. At the same time, these are not considered as legitimate phenomena within the prevailing social conditions of the Soviet regime. It is affirmed that the achievements of the Moldavian SSR would have been much greater if its economic relations with the other republics would have had a reciprocally advantageous character.


In the pages of scientific editions in the Moldavian SSR, some works in which the independence of the Moldavian people as a separate ethnic community is negated continue to be published, and the history of Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations is misrepresented. The coincidence of points of view shared by the reactionary historians of the West and by some researchers in the Socialist Republic of Romania on the so-called Bessarabian question, and in the treatment of a series of problems which harm the interests of our country has been noted.


The Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee has DECIDED:

  1. The municipal and county party committees, the primary party organizations, the trade unions and komsomol organizations must assure the continued growth in the level of internationalist and patriotic education, of their political vigilance, to permanently and insistently educate in the Soviet peoples a constant intransigence before bourgeois and revisionist propaganda. This activity must be developed systematically, with the corresponding competence, drawing in the experienced party and state workers [and] savants. It must be organized taking into account the concrete situation of the various counties of the republic and on the basis of a profound analysis of the degree of influence of bourgeois and revisionist propaganda over certain groups of people. The party committees must give serious attention to the preparation of propaganda cadres.



  1. The Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, the Party History Institute at the Moldavian Communist Party CC, the Ministry of Higher and Specialty Secondary Education of the Moldavian SSR must:
  • Direct the efforts of the savants towards the elaboration of the most current problems connected with the history and contemporary social life of Soviet Moldavia, towards more profoundly argued scientific criticism of the falsifications and revisions of the questions that pertain to Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations, to the national liberation movements in the Balkans;
  • Analyze the procedures and methods of bourgeois and revisionist propaganda, to make proposals for its effective neutralization;
  • Practice the study of the public opinion of diverse groups of the population of the republic with the aim of clarifying their reaction to the hostile information that penetrates into the Soviet listener, the degree of their information about the true aims and methods of the activity of bourgeois and revisionist propaganda which is undertaken against the republic.



  1. The editorial boards of the newspapers and journals, ATEM, State Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Moldavian SSR, [and] the Moldavian affiliate of APN must:
  • Develop well-argued propaganda about the advantages and historic achievements of  real socialism;
  • Demonstrate the broadly anti-popular character of capitalist society, the relationship between economy and morality in socialism and capitalism;
  • Unmask the anti-socialist, hegemonic policy of the Chinese leaders, their actions of solidarity with imperialism, of undermining the existing détente between the socialist countries and China in broaching the questions connected with war and peace, of European disarmament;
  • Exposing the harmful character of Beijing’s course for the cause of peace and international security.


State TV and Radio Broadcasting of the Moldavian SSR must enrich its literary and artistic programs on the radio and television, including in radio broadcasts of fragments of works that reflect the multi-century ties of the Moldavian people with the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, the liberating mission of Russia in the Balkans, the struggle of working people of Bessarabia for reunion with the Soviet fatherland, [and] present films on historical and historical-revolutionary themes created at “Moldova-Film” on Moldavian television.



  1. The Moldavian SSR Ministry of Higher and Specialty Secondary Education, the Moldavian SSR Ministry of Education, the State Committee for Professional-Technical Education of the Moldavian SSR must undertake concrete measures for the continual improvement of the ideological orientation of the education process, the formation in studious youth of a scientific conception of the world, the education of ideological convictions and of a firm political vigilance of a class-oriented intransigence towards bourgeois and revisionist propaganda.



  1. The Moldavian SSR Ministry of Culture, the State Cinematography of the Moldavian SSR, the creative unions of the republic must organize competitions for the creation of some literary-artistic and musical works, that should show in a meaningful and convincing manner the centuries-long ties of Moldavia with Russia and the Ukraine, the struggle of the Moldavian people for its national and social liberation and reunion with its motherland, [and] should create cycles of documentary films about the achievements of the Moldavian people in all domains of life during the years of Soviet power, and foresee their dubbing into foreign languages.



  1. The Directorate for Foreign Tourism at the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers, the Republic Council of Trade Unions of Moldavia, the UTCL CC of Moldavia, the Moldavian SSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Moldavian Society of Friendship and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries must:
  • Assure the constant growth of the political-ideological level of informational-propagandistic activities among the ranks of foreign citizens, familiarize themselves by all means with the history of the birth and formation of the Moldavian nation, with the struggle of the Moldavian people for the installation of Soviet power in the region and the reunion with the motherland, with the accomplishments of the working people of the republic in the construction of communism;
  • Practice the systematic organization of friendship evenings and of meetings of foreign tourists with well-known scientists and cultural figures, with workers holding functions of responsibility in the state organs and community organizations, as well as the presentation of some documentary films and news journals about the republic;
  • Undertake necessary measures of influence regarding the curbing of anti-Soviet and anti-Moldavian declarations made by a certain part of the Romanian tourists; assure the effective utilization of touristic ties with Romania for propagandizing the policies of the CPSU and the Soviet Government, the achievements of the USSR and of the Moldavian SSR in every domain of life;
  • Undertake supplementary measures for the continual improvement of the activities of Soviet organs, trade unions and soviets regarding the selection and instruction of Soviet citizens for travel abroad.



  1. The State Committee for Publishing Houses, Printing Houses and Commerce with Books of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers must assure the preparation for printing, at a high political-ideological, artistic and graphic design level in the Russian, Moldavian and foreign languages of a scientific and informational-propagandistic literatures that will evince the Leninist national policy of the CPSU, the history of the formation and development of Moldavian statehood, of the friendship between the Moldavian people and the Russian [and] Ukrainian peoples and with the other peoples of the USSR, of its struggle for national and social liberation and reunion with the motherland, the successes of the republic in the construction of communism, on the tourist itineraries presented to foreigners; photo albums; colored illustrations about the rarities of the republic and other publicity literature.



  1. The county party committees of Vulcăneşti, Cahul, Leova, Făleşti and Ungheni must use all forms of frontier county ties of Moldavia with the SRR [Romanian] counties in order to actively propagate the achievements of the USSR and the Moldavian SSR [and] the foreign and domestic policies of the USSR among the ranks of the Romanian working people. Sending into these [Romanian] frontier counties more informational material and photo expositions regarding the achievements of the Moldavian people in the economic and cultural construction in the years of Soviet power.



  1. Approve the measures regarding the continual intensification of the struggle against bourgeois and revisionist propaganda targeting the Moldavian SSR (in annex).



  1. Inform about the course of implementation of the present decision of the Moldavian Communist Party CC in the IVth Trimester of 1983.



  1. Task with the control of the implementation of the present decision the sections for information and relations with foreign countries, propaganda and agitation, culture, science and educational institutions of the Moldavian Communist Party CC.


MCP CC Secretary, S. Grossu (signature)


Summary of discussions and decisions made by the Moldavian Communist Party to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda. These orders mobilized the entire education system and print and broadcast network to bolster and reinforce “a scientific conception of the world,” “ideological convictions,” “firm political vigilance” and “a class-oriented intransigence towards bourgeois and revisionist propaganda.” Although China was mentioned as one of the responsible parties for this propaganda, the central culprits behind the “abruptly intensified hostile actions” seeking “to oppose the Moldavian people to the Russians and other peoples of the USSR” resided in the West and over the Moldavian-Romanian frontier.

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 55, dosar 121, filele 1, 12-15; Document No. 33 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 125-129. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Meeting Minutes


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Leon Levy Foundation