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June 8, 1983

Annex, to Decision of the Presidium of the MSSR AS, 'Projected Measures for Fulfilling the Disposition 'On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the"New Historical Concept" in the SRR'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

The Projected Measures

For the Scientific Institutions of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS for Fulfilling the Disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS of 24.03.1983, No. 068: “On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the ‘New Historical Concept’ in the SRR”


  1. To participate in the preparation of general works and documentary collections realized under the leadership of the central institutions of the USSR AS.


  1. The History of the Peasantry in Europe (principal organizer—the Institute of Universal History of the USSR AS; coexecutor—the History Institute of the MSSR AS).
  2. Russia and the National Liberation Movement of the Bulgarians (During the 50s and 70s in the 19th Century) Collection of documents in 3 volumes (principal organizer—the Institute of Slavistics and Balkanistics of the USSR AS; co-executor—the History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1974-1984).
  3. The History of the Literatures of the Soviet Peoples in the Period Up to the October Revolution in 3 volumes (principal organizer—the “A. M. Gorki” Institute of Universal Literature of the USSR AS; co-executor—the Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1983-1984).
  4. The Carpathian General Dialectological Atlas (principal organizer—The Institute of Slavistics and Balkanistics of the USSR AS; co-executor—the Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1981-1985).
  5. The Foundations of Balkan Linguistics (principal organizer—the Leningrad Section of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR AS; co-executor - the Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1982-1986).


  1. To prepare and publish the following works:


  1. Studies in the Political History of Romania (1859-1944). Collective monograph; 30 sheets [4 pages per sheet] per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984)
  2. Problems Regarding New and Contemporary History of Romania; 16 sheets per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1986).
  3. Soviet-Romanian Relations (1917-1928). Collective monograph, 15 sheets per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1986).


  1. To prepare and publish collective works and individual monographs with historical, social-political and philosophical themes about the literature and art of the Moldavian people:


  1. The History of the Moldavian SSR (From Ancient Times To Our Days) in 6 volumes (History Institute of the MSSR AS, other scientific institutions of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS, the faculties of social science of the institutions of higher education in the republic, 1985-1988).
  2. Studies on the History of Foreign Policy of the Moldavian State Up to the Beginning of the 19th Century; Collective monograph: 35 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1986).
  3. The Historical Importance of the Joining of Bessarabia and the Left Bank of the Nistru to Russia. Collective monograph; 25 coli per author. (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1986).
  4. Progressive Russia and the Social-Political Movement in Moldavia in the First Half of the 19th Century. Collective monograph; 16 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  5. Moldavia During Feudal Times (The Premises of the Formation of the People and the State). Monograph; 16 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  6. Studies Referring to Russo-Bulgarian Social-Political and Cultural Relations (During the 50s and 70s of the 19th Century). Collective monograph; 25 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  7. The History of the Moldavian SSR. Manual for Classes VII and VIII of the Moldavian SSR Middle School. 13, 5 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1983).
  8. Russia and the Struggle for the Liberation of the Moldavian People (During the Second Half of the 18th Century and Beginning of the 19th Century). Documentary collection (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  9. History of Moldavian Literature (in three volumes), 120 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1984-1985).
  10. Social-Historic Conditionality in the Appearance and Development of the Moldavian National Languages, 15 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1983).
  11. The Formation of the Literary Romance Languages. The Moldavian Language (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1983).
  12. The Folklore Legacy of the USSR Peoples and the Contemporary Period, 30 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  13. Popular Moldavian Creation: “The Heroic Moldavian Epoch,” “Historic Moldavian Songs,” 50 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1983-1985).
  14. Soviet Moldavian Literature in the Context of the Union-Wide Literary Process, 15 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  15. The Literature of the Years of Fire, 10 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  16. Studies in the History of Philosophy and Social Thought in Moldavia. Collective monograph; 25 coli per author (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, other institutions of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS, the faculties of social science of the institutions of higher education of the republic, 1983-1984).
  17. The Problem of Humanism in the Philosophical Thought of Moldavia in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Monograph, 7 coli per author. (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, 1983-1985).
  18. From the History of Social Thought of Moldavia. Collections of articles; 10 coli per author (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, 1983-1985).
  19. The Social-Political and Juridical Conceptions of Costache Negruzzi. Monograph; 7 coli per author (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, 1982-1985).
  20. The Social-Political Conceptions of Andronache Donici. Monograph, 6 coli per author (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, 1983).
  21. The National and International Dialectic. (Section of Philosophy and Law of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  22. The Ethnogenesis of the Moldavian People. (Section of Ethnography and Study of Arts of the MSSR AS, 1983-1985).
  23. The Literature and Art of Soviet Moldavia (The Soviet Moldavian Encyclopedia, The Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, the Section of Ethnography and the Study of Arts of the MSSR AS, 1983-1986).
  24. Studies on the Origin of the Moldavian People, 20 coli per author (Section of Ethnography and the Study of Arts of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  25. Slavo-Moldavian Relations and the Periodic Stages of the Ethnic History of the Moldavians. Collections of articles, 12 coli per author (Section of Ethnography and the Study of Arts of the MSSR AS, 1984).


  1. To prepare and publish a series of works popularizing science in the domain of the history, language and literature of the Moldavian people:


  1. V. I. Lenin and the Victory of Soviet Power in Moldavia. Popular science brochure, 5 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  2. The Truth about the “Sfatul Ţării” [Council of the Country]. Popular science brochure, 4 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  3. The Struggle of the Soviet Government for the Peaceful Solution of the “Bessarabian Problem.” Popular science brochure, 5 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  4. The Moldavian Language Today. Popular science brochure, 5 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1983).
  5. The Rebirth of Ancient Moldavian Cultures. Popular science brochures, 4 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  6. Foreign Authors on the Moldavian Language and Literature and the Contemporary Ideological Struggle; 6 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1984).
  7. The Theme of 20 June 1940 in Soviet Moldavian Literature; 5 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  8. At the Well-Spring of Friendship Among Peoples (in the Moldavian language). Brochure, 28 coli per author (History Institute of the MSSR AS, 1983).


  1. To re-publish [these] previously published works:


  1. Years of Struggle (in two volumes), 50 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1986).
  2. Brothers in Arms, 28 coli per author (Institute of Language and Literature of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  3. The Formation of the Moldavian Bourgeois Nation. Collective monograph (in the Moldavian language) (Section of Ethnography and the Study of the Arts of the MSSR AS, 1983-1984).
  4. The Moldavians. Collective monograph (in the Moldavian language) (Section of Ethnography and the Study of the Arts of the MSSR AS and other scientific institutions of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS, 1985).
  5. The Formation of the Moldavian People. Monograph (in the Moldavian language); 7 cole per author (Section of Ethnography and the Study of the Arts of the MSSR AS, 1983).


  1. To prepare a series of articles and reviews referring to key sections from the works of Romanian authors, for the central scientific reviews and republic-wide press.


  1. To analyze the materials published in the pages of the Romanian periodical press which refer to the problems of the history of Moldavia; the progressive role of Russia in the Balkans; Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations; Moldavian language, literature and folklore; [and] to theoretical problems of Marxist-Leninist science.




A list of works to be prepared or translated in order to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda in Moldavia.

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 62, dosar 4, filele 74-77; Document No. 45 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 154-158. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Leon Levy Foundation