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November 1, 1971

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification



On October 8th, the Soviet ambassador unexpectedly traveled to Moscow, from which place he returned on October 26th. On October 30th, he visited me, and informed me about the following:


A [North Korean] delegation headed by Pak Seong-cheol [Pak Song Chol] had traveled to Moscow. Deputy Foreign Minister Ri Man-seok [Ri Man Sok] and Kim Yun-seon [Kim Yun Son], the deputy head of the International Liaisons Office of the [Korean Workers’ Party] CC, were also members of the delegation. There were also experts traveling with the delegation. They spent two days in Moscow. On the request of the Koreans, Comrade Brezhnev had talks with the delegation. The essence of what was said by Pak Seong-cheol is the following:


I) According to the Korean leadership’s evaluation, the influence of the rightist parties is considerably decreasing in South Korea, [whereas] the strength of the opposition parties has substantially increased. This is clearly shown by the electoral results, the growth of the movement of progressive forces, and the actions of the student movement. Park Chung Hee is becoming more and more isolated.


II) The DPRK must take advantage of this situation so as to compel the South Korean [political] forces to accept the peaceful unification of the motherland. The DPRK has worked out a number of measures with regard to that.


    1) In the international sphere, they take advantage of every opportunity and occasion to recruit as many supporters for their policy of peaceful national unification as possible. As far as possible, they intend to make use of the UN and other international organizations, too.


    Through political and diplomatic means, they want to bring great international pressure to bear on the USA in order to achieve the withdrawal of its troops and the abrogation of the U.S.-South Korean military treaty.


    2) They want to make Japan understand that the U.S. presence in South Korea and Japan as well as the South Korean-[Japanese] treaty hinders the unification of the motherland. They want to achieve the abrogation of the treaty.


    3) They turned to the Soviet Union with the direct request that [the USSR] should try to achieve the aforesaid results [in the course of its negotiations] with the USA and Japan.  


– 124 – S[ebestyén] –


소련 대사는 10월 8일과 26일 사이 갑작스레 모스크바를 방문한 뒤, 30일 나를 방문하여 다음 내용을 전달하였다.


모스크바에 도착한 [북한] 대표단은 박성철을 선두로 이만석 외무부 부부상과 김양선 [조선노동당] 국제협력부 부부장이 함께 동행하였다. 이 대표단에는 전문가들도 포함되어 있었으며 그들은 모스크바에서 이틀을 머물렀다. 북한측의 요청으로 브레즈네프 동지와의 면담이 진행되었으며, 박성철이 전달한 요지는 다음과 같았다


I) 남조선지도부의평가에의하면, 남조선우익정당의영향력은눈에띄게줄어들고, 이들과대립하는좌익정당이뚜렷한강세를보이고있다. 이러한현상은선거결과뿐만아니라진보세력과학생운동의성장을통하여도분명하게나타나며, 박정희는계속해서고립되어가고있다.


II) 북조선은 이러한 상황을 최대한으로 활용하여 남조선의 [정치]세력이 한반도의 평화로운 통일을 수용하도록 유도할 것이다. 북조선은 이를 위한 여러 방안을 연구 중이다.


1) 국제적으로는가능한모든기회와여건을활용하여평화로운한반도의통일정책을지지하는세력기반을확충토록것이다. 그들은여기에국제연합다른국제기구들을활용할계획이다.


북한은 정치적, 외교적 수단을 모두 동원하여, 미국을 상대로 한미군사협정의 폐지와 남조선 주둔 군대를 철수하도록 국제적 압력을 행사할 것이다.


2) 북조선은 일본에게 남조선 및 일본 내 주둔 미군의 존재와 한-[일]군사협정은 모두 한반도의 통일을 방해하고 있는 요인이라는 사실을 분명히 인식시킬 것이다. 그들은 궁극적으로 협정의 전면 폐지를 목표로 한다.


3) 그들은 미국 및 일본과의 [협상과정에서] 여기에 언급된 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 힘써 달라고 소련에 직접적인 요청을 전달하였다.


– 124 – S[ebestyén] –


The Embassy of Hungary in North Korea reports on a trip of Pak Seong-cheol to Moscow to discuss the unification of the Korean peninsula.

Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1971, 67. doboz, 81-20, 002308/3/1971. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balázs Szalontai.


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ROK Ministry of Unification and Leon Levy Foundation