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August 20, 1979

Memorandum DEM/89, Luiz Augosto de Castro Neves, Deputy Chief of the Energy and Mineral Resources Division, 'Brazil-Argentina. Possibilities for Nuclear Cooperation'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)




Possibilities of nuclear cooperation.


Adding to Memorandum DEM/86. On 8/10/1979.  The counselor Raul Estrada Cyuela, from the Argentinian embassy in Brasilia, took the initiative to visit me again, to exchange ideas over the possibility of nuclear cooperation between Brazil and Argentina.


2. Estrada stated, from the beginning, that the Argentineans were investigating the real reach of the declarations from Counselor Bernardo Pericás, published by the press.  In this respect, it was clear that there were no “hints” or hidden messages contained in Counselor Pericá’s declarations contrary to what was first expected.


3. The Argentinean diplomat declared to have been in contact with Buenos Aires last week, discussing the theme of nuclear cooperation between the two countries.  According to him, in the last few years Argentinian authorities had already taken some initiative in this field, in an informal and exploratory manner, not receiving at that time any favorable sign from the Brazilian government.  None the less, Estrada guaranteed that the Argentinian government still maintains this initiative and would be pleased to see closer relationship with Brazil in the nuclear field.


4. Counselor Raul Estrada addressed, as well, possible ways to begin dealing with this matter between Brazilian and Argentinian authorities.  He said that he did not have any specific instructions on this matter, but suggested that the next reunion of CEDAC (that will take place in the middle of next September, in Buenos Aires), could serve as the initial forum for eventual negotiations between both countries.  In the event that this forum is considered viable, the final act of the reunion between them could state that the two countries have agreed to the establishment of a group destined to study the possibilities of nuclear cooperation between Brazil and Argentina.


Estrada pointed out finally, that nuclear cooperation between Brazil and Argentina should be characteristically economic and commercial in nature, trying to take advantage of all possibilities, in terms of the complementary goods and services of the nuclear-electric energy industries of both countries.


6. In conclusion, I promised counselor Estrada to pass this matter to my superiors with all possible urgency, which I am hereby doing.  I suggest that this Memorandum receives the same treatment that Memorandum DEM/86, as referred above, since both make up the same framework of information,  necessary to the eventual decision making process in this matter.




(Luiz Augosto de Castro Neves)

Subchefe      da DEM






DEC Chief,

I wait for instructions on how to respond to Counselor Estrada's initiative.










Dispatch on Memo.DEM/89, on the 8/20/79


To the Senior Chief of DAA,

In light of the dispatches of the Minister of State on Memo.DEM/86, I will contact the competent internal departments, to learn what should be their reactions to the possibility of Brazilian-Argentinian cooperation in the nuclear sector.



(Carlos Augusto de Proença Rosa)

Chief of the Department of Economics

on 08/28/79



P.S.:  Contact with the competent internal departments has been initiated, in light of the dispatch from the Minister of State on Memorandum DEM/86, the matter should not be discussed during the meeting of CEBAC.

Conversations between Counselor Raul Estrada Oyuela, from the Argentine Embassy in Brasilia, and Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves, Deputy Chief of the Energy and Mineral Resources Division of Itamaraty, on the possibility of nuclear cooperation between Brazil and Argentina.

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AHMRE. Obtained and translated by Fundação Getúlio Vargas.


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