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August 18, 1958

Instructions, Mao Zedong to Peng Dehuai

This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation

Comrade [Peng] Dehuai:


[We are] preparing to shell Jinmen, dealing with Jiang [Jieshi] directly and the Americans indirectly. Therefore, do not conduct military maneuvers in Guangdong and Shengzhen, so that the British would not be scared.


Mao Zedong

1 A.M., 18 August


P.S.:  Please call air force headquarters attention to the possibility that the Taiwan side might counterattack us by dispatching large groups of air force (such as dozens, or even over one hundred, airplanes) to try to take back air control over Jin[men] and Ma[zu].  If this happens, we should prepare to use large groups of air force to defeat them immediately.  However, in chasing them, [our planes] should not cross the space line over Jinmen and Mazu.



Mao instructs Chinese Minister of National Defense Peng Dehuai to hault military maneuvers and prepare air forces for the planned bombardment of Jinmen Island in the Taiwan Strait.


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Jianguo yilai Mao Zedong wengao (Mao Zedong’s Manuscripts since the Formation of the PRC), vol. 7 (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 1992), 348.


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Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation