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February 28, 1964

Synopsis of Reference Material about a 'New Stage' of the Cuban Revolution, Compiled by the Embassy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in Cuba

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

[Stamp]: Declassified



The USSR Embassy

In Czechoslovakia


Top Secret Copy No 1

28 February 1964

No 196



about a “new stage” of the Cuban revolution,

compiled by the Embassy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in Cuba


Analyzing the existing situation in Cuba, the authors of the reference take Cuban-Soviet relations as a starting point for characterizing the domestic and foreign policy of the Cuban government. In particular, it points out the great significance for the development of the entire economy of the country of the long-term trade agreement concluded between Cuba and the Soviet Union, which in the estimation of President Dorticos in his speech of 27 January was called the beginning of the second stage of the Cuban revolution. Thereby it was shown how much more advantageous for the Cuban side were the conditions for the sale of sugar to the Soviet Union in comparison with all earlier operating agreements. A “new stage” of the Cuban revolution first and foremost means the inclusion of Cuba in the international socialist division of labor.


In the reference material it is indicated moreover that the orientation toward a high production of sugar, a substantial increase of the number of cattle, and an across-the-board development of industry by using domestic sources are also associated with the resolution of the principal question of whether to build socialism in one country on the American continent or spread the revolution to the remaining countries of Latin America. To adopt a similar decision and be oriented only toward building socialism in their own country, not tying this building to the destruction of the “capitalist encirclement” of Cuba by supporting guerilla warfare in the countries of Latin American countries which are actively participating in this “encirclement,” signifies for the Cuban comrades the need to subject the situation in Latin America to a new analysis and draw new conclusions. It is further noted that in recent months new aspects have appeared in the internal situation of the countries of Latin America. The broadest guerilla movement which has developed in Venezuela has not had the effect which would have been expected from the supporters of this movement, which contradicts the propositions of the so-called Second Havana Declaration of 4 February 1962. An intensification of the struggle of the national bourgeoisie in such countries as Peru, Argentina, and Panama for national independence is also is in contradiction with these theses.


In confirmation that the Cuban comrades have departed from the theses of the Second Havana Declaration, for the first time since 1961 they have again begun to talk about new support for the position of several bourgeois Latin American governments, proposing to conduct joint actions, making reference to a 24 January televised speech of Fidel Castro after his return from Moscow.


From this position the conclusion is made that there exists a direct relationship between the continually improving international situation of Cuba and the “new stage” in the views of the Cuban leadership on a number of fundamental current problems. Excerpts from a joint Soviet-Cuban communique of 22 January 1964 are referenced in this regard. On the basis of an analysis of this communique the authors of the reference material come to the conclusion that it contains an indirect condemnation of the views and practical activity of the leaders of the Chinese CC. And the term “new stage” is used in this sense. The development of events has shown, it says further in the reference material, that all those are deeply mistaken who count on the cooling of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union and on a rapprochement with China.


An inseparable feature of the new stage is also the improvement of Cuba’s ties with the capitalist countries of Latin America, Europe, and Asia, which in the opinion of the authors of the reference material, helps Cuba disrupt the US’s plans to organize a blockade, isolation, and various “quarantines” in regard to Cuba. The efforts of the Cuban side directed at broadening Cuban trade ties with Uruguay and Chile are evidence of this. Relations have been substantially improved recently (referring to trade relations) between Cuba and Britain, Spain, France, Belgium, and Japan. A similar “new policy,” it is stressed in the reference material, has aided an across-the-board strengthening of the domestic and international position of Cuba.


Attachment: A 4-page reference in Czech, Top Secret (Incoming Nr. 177/chd), only to the CC CPSU department.

[Translator’s note: Not included with this copy of the document]



Second Secretary of the USSR Embassy in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic



A. Gus’kov




Four copies sent to gb. AG

1- CC CPSU department


3-Fourth European Department

4-to file



Cuban foreign and domestic policy is analyzed. Cuba's long-term economic improvement and international agreements regarding Cuban sugar exports are discussed, indicating a "new stage" of the Cuban revolution.


Document Information


TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 757, l. 17-19, r. 9125. Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Leon Levy Foundation