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January 1966

Information about the Visit of the Soviet Party and Government Delegation to Mongolia Headed by Brezhnev [Excerpt]

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Secret. The only copy.


About the visit of the Soviet party and government delegation headed by the First Secretary of the CPSU CC C. L[eonid] I[lyich] Brezhnev to the MPR in January 1966.






On 13 and 15 January [1966] the delegations of the two sides held official talks.


Comrade [Yumjaagiin] Tsedenbal, welcoming the Soviet delegation, stressed its exceptionally high level and the great importance of the visit of the Soviet leaders. […]


Comrade Tsedenbal expressed warm gratitude to the CPSU CC and the Soviet government for the quick and effective dispatch of working forces in 1964, when a particularly difficult situation with [regard to] labor resources occurred in the MPR in connection with the departure of the Chinese workers from Mongolia. […]


All the workers of the MPR warmly support the policy of the party and the government. True, Comrade Tsedenbal remarked, some members of the MPRP CC had deviations in the direction of pro-Chinese views, but they were given a resolute rebuff. In general, all members of the party support the line of friendship with the Soviet Union and other fraternal socialist countries.


In the sphere of international politics, Comrade Tsedenbal stressed, our two countries had one line. […]


Comrade Tsedenbal praised highly the help of the Soviet Union to Vietnam and censured the position of the Chinese on this question. […]


Recently the Chinese had been building up their forces at the Mongolian-Chinese border. Now there were 73 so called “stations” with military garrisons along the border with the MPR. There were 4 large Chinese garrisons on the western border; in the Xinjiang region, on the railroad at the Erlian border station, in the East, close to the meeting point of the three states (MPR, USSR and PRC) there were large Chinese garrisons, two of which arrived in the beginning of 1965.


Comrade Tsedenbal pointed out that there are cases of PRC nationals crossing the Mongolian-Chinese border. Mainly, the people who cross are of Mongolian nationality, live in Inner Mongolia and were looking for a refuge in the MPR from the harsh conditions of life in China. In 1965 there were 30 crossings, during which 48 people crossed into Mongolian territory.


Responding to the relevant question of members of the Soviet delegation, Comrade Tsedenbal said that about two million Mongolians and nine million Chinese lived in Inner Mongolia; at the same time, there was a policy of active assimilation of the Mongolian nationality by the Chinese. […]


Comrade [Leonid] Brezhnev on behalf of the Soviet delegation expressed his gratitude to the Mongolian comrades for the warm, hearty welcome [the delegation] received in the MPR, and also thanked Cde. Tsedenbal for the information.


Having noted the firm character of the Soviet-Mongolian friendship, Cde. Brezhnev stressed that our parties have common views on questions of foreign policy, the struggle with imperialism, the national liberation movement, the unity of countries of the socialist commonwealth, and on questions of the international communist movement.


Comrade Brezhnev expressed gratitude to the MPRP CC and the Mongolian government for the support of our foreign policy, and, in particular, for support of the Soviet Union in the question of participation in the Second Conference of the Afro-Asian countries.


Touching on the economic relations between the USSR and the MPR in the next five years, Brezhnev remarked that not all questions had been fully solved yet. He noted that one should not rule out amendments to the agreements reached. He stressed the necessity for the Mongolians themselves to make the best effort to use in the most effective way the credits and aid provided by the Soviet Union to Mongolia. […]


Brezhnev said that the CPSU CC Presidium looked at the question of providing aid to Mongolia in the intensification of its external political activities. A decision was made to help the MPR in the preparation of the necessary staff, translators, diplomats, and journalists for the publication of literature about the MPR, with translation in different languages for dissemination abroad. It was decided to provide, with the aim of the intensification of the activities of the MPR on the international stage, three million dollars for use in cases when the MPRP CC and the MPR government consider it necessary to spend this money.


He also said that the CPSU CC Presidium positively replied to the request of the MPRP CC requesting aid to strengthen the defense capabilities of the MPR. [Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Yakolevich] Malinovsky has been instructed to co-ordinate the details of this question. […]

Leonid Brezhnev speaks with Mongolian delegates about the Chinese military build-up on the Mongolian border, and the state of the Mongolians living in Inner Mongolia.

Document Information


AVPRF, fond 0111, opis 48, papka 287, delo 12, listy 21-38. Obtained and translated for CWIHP by Sergey Radchenko.


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Leon Levy Foundation