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December 8, 1963

Cable from the CCP Central Committee, 'Response on the Problem of Counterattacking the Rumors and Slander against China in Soviet Radio Broadcasts, Newspapers, and Magazines'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[illegible handwritten text]


Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party

Central Directive [63] No. 802


Response on the Problem of Counterattacking the Rumors and Slander against China in Soviet Radio Broadcasts, Newspapers, and Magazines



[To the] Xinjiang [Uyghur] Autonomous Region Party Committee and the Northwest Bureau:


[We] received the regional Party Committee’s [report] “Request for Instructions on Counterattacking the Rumors and Slander against China in Soviet Radio Broadcasts, Newspapers, and Magazines” on 10 November, Our response is as follows:


(1) The Central Committee will issue unified instructions to all regions on the designation of dedicated teams to study and compile anti-revisionist articles, [so] please follow these instructions. You may compile some articles first and submit them to the Central Commission for approval before publishing them.


(2) The Central Radio Bureau will formulate a solution on responding to the Soviet revisionists’ radio station in Alma-Ata [Almaty].


Central Committee

8 December 1963


[illegible handwritten text]


Update on Party request to respond to slander against China by the Soviet Union, including plans for future strategies.

Document Information


PRC FMA 118-01277-01, 26. Translated by 7Brands.


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MacArthur Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation