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August 3, 1962

Yili District Party Committee, 'Outline of the Investigation on Several Issues in Pastoral Area Work'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation







二、着重讨论牧区经济的恢复工作和全面建设问题(包括牧区人民公社的问题) ;为了给这次会议作好准备,特就第二个问题拟出如下调查提纲,供各地调查时参考。




2 . 现在畜牧业的所有制与经营办法怎样?你们认为应该怎样办好?


3. 社员人社牧畜折价款几年来归还了多少?占总价款的百分之几?从何处筹集来归还的?存在些什么问题?社员对此有些什么意见?今后怎样办好?






2. 几年来牲畜质量提高了或降低了?品质改良工作存在些什么问题?应如何改进?


3 . 牧草的使用、保护与管理的现状如何?存在什么问题?近几年来纠纷较多,原因是什么?今后怎样办好?


4. 畜牧兽医工作(包括药品供应工作)近几年来是加强了还是削弱了?为什么?今后应如何改进?


5. 草原建设上存在些什么问题?为了更好地促进畜牧业生产的发展,你们认为草原上需要建设些什么?有些什么项目需要国家帮助搞?











2. 现在社员自留畜的情况怎样?一般每户有多少头?其中多少奶牛?多少羊只?有没有乘马?基层干部和社员有些什么意见?


3. 牧民有些什么家庭副业?一般的户家庭副业收入占其全年总收入的百分之几?在这方面存在些什么问题?如何解决?






2. 要把过去几年的情况调查清楚,用历史发展的观点来分析、研究问题;


3. 调查报告应按专题整理,力求资料充实,情况客观,问题清楚,文字简明;


4 . 调查时不要完全受到此提纲的限制,可根据各地的实际情况增添调查内容。



1962 8 3


Outline of the Investigation on Several Issues in Pastoral Area Work


The inaugural Northwestern Region Minority Committee Meeting will be held this fall. The important topics will be the following:


1- Review the interim outcomes of working in the spirit of the Central Committee’s Minority Work Meeting as well as that of the inaugural Northwestern Region Minority Work Meeting. Review resolutions for the problems encountered by the Chinese Communist Party during implementation of minority policies.


2- Emphasize discussions of economic recovery work in the rural areas and overall issues pertaining to construction (including rural commune issues). In order to adequately prepare for this meeting, you must frame the second question within the following guidelines, and observe them while presenting the investigations from each area.


I- The basic situation in the rural peoples’ communes and differing opinions on the commune system.


i- Is the size of the commune/platoon appropriate for their given product? What size does the public think is appropriate? What is your opinion?


ii- Are all the herders’ tending and breeding methods effective? How do you think they could improve?


iii- How have the returns been these past seven years on commune members’ livestock being converted into cash? What percentage of their total value? Where have the funds been collected for these returns? What are some issues? How do commune members feel about this? How should it be done from now on?


II- The situation with livestock breeding.


i- Over the past few years, has the amount of livestock gone up or down? If it has gone down, then for what reason? What should we do from now on?


ii- Has the quality of livestock gone up over the past years, or down? What problems exist in quality enrichment work? How can we adjust?


iii- How is pasture land being used, preserved, and managed? What are some issues? In the past few years there have been many disputes; what is the reason for this? What should be done from now on?


iv- Has veterinary work for livestock (including medicinal provisions) become stronger or weaker these past few years? Why? How should we adjust in the future?


v- What are some problems facing grasslands construction? In order to more effectively push forward the development of livestock production, what do you think should be constructed in the grasslands? Are there any goals you have in mind that you need the country’s help to achieve?


III- Questions about combining farming with stockbreeding.


How is situation these past several years? What are the issues? How should we proceed from now on? What should the strategy be from now on for developing agriculture in the rural areas?


3- Questions about peoples’ livelihood in the rural areas.


I- What are some of the issues with peoples’ livelihoods these past few years? What are the herders’ opinions? How should they be resolved in the coming years?


II- What is the current situation with commune members who privately own livestock? How much does each household have, roughly? Of these, how many are milk cows? How many are goats? Are there horses for riding? What sorts of opinions do low-level cadres and commune members have?


III- Is there household industry among the herders? What percentage of yearly earnings do these side jobs represent for the average family? What are some issues in this case? How can they be resolved?


In your investigations, all areas must bear in mind the following.


1- You must ‘seek truth from facts,’ correctly reflecting situations and problems.


2- You must examine clearly the events of the past years and make a detemination based on historical developments.


3- Your announcements following the investigations should be edited around the main topic. Strive to fill them with honest materials, objective situations, clear questions and simple wording.


4- During your investigations, do not follow the restrictions of these guidelines too rigidly. You may add investigative content according to the facts of your particular region.


Yili District Party Committee

3 August 1962



Document Information


Zhonggong Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui dang shi yanjiushi and Yili Hasake zizhizhou dang’anju (guan), eds. Zhongguo gongchandang Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui zhongyao wenjian xuanbian (Selected Important Documents of the Chinese Communist Party Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Committee) (Yili: Yili zhou dangwei dangshi yanjiushi, 2001), 339-340. Translated by Max Maller.


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MacArthur Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation