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December 23, 1965

Cable from the Foreign Ministry to Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu, 'On Vice Premier Li Xiannian's Visit to North Korea'

To Ambassador Jiao [Ruoyu]: (Secret)


Please meet with [North] Korea's Vice Foreign Minister immediately to solicit the views of the [North] Korean side on Vice Premier Li Xiannian's visit to Korea.


(1) Vice Premier Li will take a special plane to Korea on 25 December [1965] for a non-public visit. The purpose [of the visit] is to sign an agreement with the [North] Korean side for the free provision of materials. Because [Li is] quite busy with domestic affairs, [he] cannot stay in Korea for too long. [He] must return to Beijing prior to 29 December. See whether or not this is convenient for the Korean side.


(2) On China's giving a loan of three million US dollars to Korea, we agree not to include this in the agreement and to place it in an exchange of notes, with a five-year return. Vice Premier Li or Vice Minister Li Qiang can sign the exchange of notes.


(3) Vice Premier Li's delegation will have six people, including Vice Minister Li Qiang and Deputy Director Li Xianglun.


Please report any views of the Korean side as soon as possible.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

23 December 1965

The Foreign Ministry briefs Chinese Ambassador to North Korea Jiao Ruoyu on Li Xiannian's impending visit to Pyongyang.

Document Information


PRC FMA 106-01477-03, 15-16. Translated by Charles Kraus.


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