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December 10, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon and Deputy Minister Li Qiang from the Banquet on the 10th

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation





Minutes of Conversation between Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon and Deputy Minister Li Qiang from the Banquet on the 10th [of December 1965]


Banquet Participants:

[North] Korean Side: Ryu Seong-ui, Choe Jeong-geun, Kim Il-hyeop

Chinese Side: Jiao Ruoyu, Ming Ke, Liu Xiaotao


Ri Ju-yeon: Foreign reports are saying that China has three companies in Hong Kong, is that true?


Li Qiang: They are private, but they are in contact with us.


Ri Ju-yeon: The foreign reports[also]say that there are Banks of China in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Britain. How do you run these?


Li Qiang: In Singapore, more than seventy-percent [of the population] is Chinese. The Prime Minister of Singapore is also Chinese. It’s good for Singapore to do business with China.






Ri Ju-yeon questions Li Qiang about the presence of Chinese companies in Hong Kong as well as the establishment of Banks of China in Singapore and elsewhere.

Document Information


PRC FMA 106-01230-01, 33. Translated by Charles Kraus.


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Minutes of Conversation


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MacArthur Foundation