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January 5, 1974

Cable No. 34, Ambassador Ogawa to the Foreign Minister, 'Japan-China Foreign Minister Meeting'

Number (TA) 513

Primary:  Asia and China

Sent:  China, January 5, 1974, 15:20

Received: MOFA, January 5, 1974, 16:36


To: The Foreign Minister  

From: Ambassador Ogawa

Japan-China Foreign Minister Meeting

Number 34 Secret Top Urgent


The second Japan-China foreign minister meeting took place on the 5th, for approximately two hours, from 10:40 in the morning. (Attending on our side were the Ambassador, Matsunaga, Hashimoto, Kunihiro, and Fujii; the other side was as it was on the morning of the 4th.)


1. Foreign Minister Ji made comments concerning our country's relations with South Vietnam and the Republic of Korea.


2As to bilateral relations, Foreign Minister Ji argued strongly to the effect that, "We appreciate that relations between Japan and China have grown closer since Sino-Japanese normalization, and the only major problem between Japan and China concerns relations between Japan and Taiwan. That there are persons in Japan who are acting against the government's policy is a problem of Japan's internal affairs but, insofar as this affects the basic principles of relations between Japan and China, the Chinese side, for its part, also must state its opinion. Relations between Japan and Taiwan must be strictly bound by the Japan-China Joint Communiqué.  


3. Moving next to the problem of the Japan-China Aviation Agreement, Foreign Minister Ji strongly expressed the opinion that, "The Chinese side has expressed its understanding that, with the normalization of relations between Japan and China, relations between Japan and Taiwan in aviation are to be maintained on the premise that those relations are to change to non-governmental relations. Then, in order to make clear its character of non-governmental aviation traffic, we would like to have concluded between Japan and Taiwan a non-governmental agreement and, in the course of this agreement's conclusion, to make clear the problem of principles."


In response, Minister Ohira countered: "In principle, Japan does not differ in its opinion from China. The Government of Japan, for its part, having normalized relations, will strictly abide by its principles. However, in the Japanese side's way of thinking, hitherto explained, we find it difficult to understand the opinion that principles are not being held to." Foreign Minister Ji then told him, "I have no confidence to persuade Premier Zhou with Minister Ohira's explanation."


4. Regarding Foreign Minister Ji's visit to Japan, we requested that they produce a concrete schedule, but the other side responded to the effect that, due to various circumstances, it was difficult to decide on a concrete schedule.


5. When we asked concerning the time for the signing of the trade agreement, they replied that they would like to do it at the appropriate time.  


We are going to have the second meeting with Premier Zhou in the afternoon.





A summary of a second meeting between Foreign Ministers Ohira and Ji. The two discussed Sino-Japanese relations.

Document Information


2004-204, Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs. Also available at the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Contributed by Yutaka Kanda and translated by Stephen Mercado.


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