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January 31, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (Warsaw) to Jaszczuk (Moscow)

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



Ciphergram Secret Immediately


Warsaw, 31.I. 1963



1186 11:20 hours




Go urgently to [Foreign Minister Andrei A.] Gromyko or [Deputy Foreign Minister Georgi M.] Pushkin:


We would like for Cde. Michałowski to personally inform the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [in Moscow] about the conversations in [New] Delhi, and especially [have him] discuss the American probes [with Soviet comrades] which arose in light of the Indian initiative regarding the resolution of the South Vietnam problem.


Given the above it seems to me that Michałowski’s arrival is urgent.


Michałowski will also bring with him a note for the CC CPSU about these conversations for you to pass on to them. (A normal exchange of information).


Inform about the reply. We think that M[ichałowski] should be leaving in 2-4 days.




[Deciphered on] 31.I.63 at 12:00 noon


Cable from Adam Rapacki to the Polish representative in Moscow informing him of Jerzy Michałowski’s coming arrival in Moscow, in light of recent Soviet-US and Polish-US talks on South Vietnam.


Document Information


AMSZ, Warsaw, 6/77, 1963: w-100, t-603, obtained and translated by Margaret Gnoinska. Published in CWIHP Working Paper No. 45.


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Leon Levy Foundation