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August 23, 1990

Report, Assistant Head of the International Division of the CC CPSU, 'On the Issue of Humanitarian Aid by the US to Lithuania'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



Second Sector




On the issue of humanitarian aid by the USA to Lithuania


The Embassy of the USSR in the US (special [communication] No. 4942 of 17 August 1990) reports on the intention of the US Congress to adopt a resolution to spend 10 million dollars in the capacity of so-called humanitarian aid to Lithuania.  The said action, obviously, has the aim of supporting the separatist movement in this republic, and also to stimulate analogous processes in other regions of the USSR.  


In consideration of this, it would be advisable in contacts by the USSR’s embassy in Washington with the representatives of the American Congress and the Administration of the US to emphasize the doubtful character of Senator Moynihan’s venture, who initiated the inclusion of the issue on the Senate’s agenda.  It would also make sense to support the existing understanding in American public circles that sending such “aid” may be seen in the USSR as interference in itsinternal affairs, and may become an addition point complicating the negotiations between Moscow and Vilnius.  


It would also be worth drawing the attention of the American side to the linkage of the “aid” to a draft law on defense allotments, which can also strengthen the Soviet public’s negative reaction to Washington’s actions on other issues as well.  There are also obvious complications that could possible arise with the supply of property on USSR territory obtained in connection with such “aid.”


If the relevant Congressional decision still takes place, evidently, this action will be taken on principle as an attempt to interfere with the Soviet Union’s internal affairs.  


We consider it advisable to send the given report to the MID USSR.


We request your assent.


Asst. head of the International

division of the CC CPSU

(K. Burtens)


Asst. head of the Division

for ethnic [natsional’nyei]relations of the CC CPSU

(S. Slobodianiuk)


“23” August 1990

No. 06/I-534c

Report describing a possible resolution in the US Congress to send humanitarian aid to Lithuania to support the movement there to separate from the Soviet Union.

Document Information


TsKhSD, F. 89, op. 21, d. 23, l. 2.


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Leon Levy Foundation