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Draft Instructions to Sadchikov and Chechulin, VKP(b) CC Decree, [with attached table]

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

[[Double brackets indicate that the text was crossed out in the original]]




Top Secret




Approve the draft instructions to Sadchikov and Chechulin submitted by the USSR, USSR MF, and USSR MVT regarding the issue of the settlement the mutual financial claims with Iran (attached).




Top Secret








802-804. [[Bearing in mind the insistent desire of the Iranian]] [Handwritten: In view of the position taken by the Iranian side state] [[to end the negotiations of the commissions more rapidly and switch to a diplomatic discussion of the issues of a settlement of the mutual financial claims, you should be guided by the following]]:


1.  do not agree to an official interruption of the negotiations between both sides' commissions but agree to a temporary suspension of meetings to report the results of the first stage of the negotiations to their governments.


2. Agree with the proposal of the Iranian side to begin drawing up a protocol about the results of the commissions' work, coming to preliminary agreement with the Iranians about the content of the protocol.


For our part, insist on the inclusion in the protocol of claims: a) made by the sides; b) withdrawn by the Iranians; c) agreed upon by the sides, indicating the amounts concerning which agreement was reached; and d) those left unsettled, with a description of the positions of the sides regarding these claims.


Send us the your draft of the protocol for approval before delivering it to the Iranians.


3. Agree with the Iranians that the date for the resumption of the joint meetings will be set by agreement of both governments after discussion of the results of the first stage of the negotiations.



Instructions for Soviet delegation in Iran for preliminary protocol agreements in ongoing financial negotiations. See the attached table.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 82, op. 2, d. 1219, l. 14-20. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Leon Levy Foundation