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April 19, 1955

Memo from I. Kozlov regarding Mir Agara Azari and the Democractic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan



In his statement Iranian political émigré Azari writes about the incorrect leadership of the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan on the part of the former CP CC of Azerbaijan, the dictatorial style of the work of the former Committee of the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan, the incorrect expulsion of Azari from the Party, and the rude attitude toward him by Cde. Khalykov, an official of the CP CC of Azerbaijan staff.


In laying out all these facts Azari asks the CPSU CC to permit him to go to Moscow or to send a commission to Baku to investigate the issues described in his statement.


According to a report by the CP CC of Azerbaijan (Cde. Mustafayev), Azari's complaint about the rude attitude toward him by Cde. Khalykov was invented by him as an excuse to appeal to the CPSU CC.


Concerning Azari's expulsion from the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan the CP CC of Azerbaijan reported that Azari pursued disruptive work inside the Party, for which he was expelled from its ranks. His expulsion was confirmed by the first conference of the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan.


The governing bodies of all the organizations of the Democratic Party from bottom to top were elected at the end of 1954 on a democratic basis.


As regards the accusations advanced by Azari with respect to the Soviet officials of the Azerbaijan SSR who had ties with the Democratic Party at one time, the issue of them was passed to the Committee of State Security under the USSR Council of Ministers.


Based on the above calling Azari to Moscow or sending a commission to Baku is not prompted by any necessity.


Mr. Azari was informed via the Baku Committee of the Executive Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies that he should turn to the governing bodies of this Party concerning the issue of his reinstatement to membership of the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan.


Chief of a sector of the

CPSU CC Department

[signature] (I. Kozlov)


19 April 1955


[handwritten in the left margin: to the archive

[[illegible signature]]



This memo addresses Azari's letters to the CPSU CC and notes that the highest ranked leaders of the Democratic Party of Iranian Azerbaijan stated that Azari pursued disruptive work within the party and that they had all been elected democratically. The decision was made to not send a commission to Baku or invite Azari to Moscow, and rather that he should pursue his reinstatement himself.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 5, op. 28, d. 347. Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties (International Department of the Central Committee), 1953-1957, microfilm, reel 83. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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