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September 22, 1955

Letter, I. Vinogradov and M. Yakovlev to the CPSU Central Committee

[CPSU CC stamp:


22 September 1955

Subject to return to the

CPSU CC General Department]




The Bulgarian government has addressed a request to send Nyuzkhet Hijeran Nihat to lecture for one year in Sofia University in Turkish language and literature.


Nihat is a Soviet citizen and a CPSU member. He worked in Leningrad State University as a Turkish language instructor and scholar.


According to a report of LGU Prorector Cde. Ivanov-Omsky, Nihat has insufficient training to teach language and scholarly work, has not coped with the work, and treats it without proper diligence. Then Nihat was sent to Moscow, seconded to the USSR Academy of Sciences' Institute of Oriental Studies to take a graduate course and prepare a dissertation. He wrote nothing in three years and was deprived of the stipend. For the next three years he lived in Moscow without working anywhere, obviously being dependent on Nazym Khikmet.


On return to Leningrad Nihat demanded that the management of Leningrad State University give him any high-paying position, to which he was refused since during the years of residence on Moscow he had become even more disqualified as a Turkish language instructor. He was offered a position as a librarian in a science library.


We consider it advisable to inform the Bulgarian comrades that the CPSU CC cannot recommend Nihat to lecture in the Turkish language and literature at Sofia University in view of Nihat's extremely insufficient training in this area.


If the Bulgarian comrades express a desire to invite Nihat regardless of his qualifications they can be informed that the CPSU CC has no objections to Nihat going to Bulgaria.


A draft telegram to the Soviet ambassador in Bulgaria is attached


[signature] (I. Vinogradov)

[signature] (M. Yakovlev)


22 September 1955




to I. T. Vinogradov

Vl. Voro[nin]

23 September 1955

Nº 25-S-2017


to the archives

Vl. Voro[nin]




A telegram was sent 23 September 1955

Sector chief V. [Fedorov] 23 September 1955

This letter describes the Bulgarian government's request that Nyuzkhet Hijeran Nihat be sent to lecture in Turkish language and literature for one year at Sofia University. However, the CPSU CC cannot recommend him because of his previous unsatisfactory work while in Moscow.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 5, op. 28, d. 347. Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties (International Department of the Central Committee), 1953-1957, microfilm, reel 83. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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