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September 26, 1955

Letter, A. Smirnov and I. Kozlov to the CPSU Central Committee

[CPSU CC stamp:


26 September 1955

Subject to return to the

CPSU CC General Department]




[handwritten: coordinate [[in SChS]]


Cde. Radmanesh, the General Secretary of the CC of the People's Party of Iran, has turned to the CPSU CC with a request to increase the monetary allowance to political émigré Mozafari which he gets from the SOKK i KP to 700 rubles in connection with the fact that Mozafari is an invalid.


We consider it possible to grant Cde. Radmanesh's request and charge the SOKK i KP with paying Iranian émigré Mozafari a monthly allowance of 700 rubles while he is studying at an institute.


Deputy Chief of the CPSU CC Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties

[signature] (A. Smirnov)


Sector chief of a CPSU CC Department

[signature] (I. Kozlov)


26 September 1955


[illegible signatures]



The SOKK i KP has been briefed.


Sector chief [illegible signature]

3 October 1955



to the archives

   V. Gorbunov

5 October 1955

This letter describes the request of Cde. Radmanesh who requested that the CPSU CC increases the financial aid given to political emigre Mozafari due to the fact that Mozafari is an invalid. The CPSU CC agreed to this request.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 5, op. 28, d. 347. Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties (International Department of the Central Committee), 1953-1957, microfilm, reel 83. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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